Fifth Summer School on Formal Techniques, May 17-22, 2015, Atherton, California

Date: May 17, 2015 11:00 am – May 22, 2015 7:00 pm

Fifth Summer School on Formal Techniques, May 17 - May 22, 2015, Atherton, California

Techniques based on formal logic, such as model checking, satisfiability, static
analysis, and automated theorem proving, are finding a broad range of applications
in modeling, analysis, verification, and synthesis. This school, the fifth in the
series, will focus on the principles and practice of formal techniques, with a
strong emphasis on the hands-on use and development of this technology. It
primarily targets graduate students and young researchers who are interested in
studying and using formal techniques in their research. A prior background in
formal methods is helpful but not required. Participants at the school will have a
seriously fun time experimenting with the tools and techniques presented in the
lectures during laboratory sessions.

The lecturers at the school include:

  • Arie Gurfinkel (SEI CMU, USA):
        Building Program Verifiers from Compilers and Theorem Provers
  • Cathy Meadows (NRL, USA):
        Cryptographic Protocol Analysis Modulo Equational Theories: the Maude-NRL Protocol Analyzer
  • Bart Jacobs (KU Leuven, Belgium):
        VeriFast: Modular verification of sequential and concurrent C and Java programs
                  using separation logic
  • Kim Guldstrand Larsen (Aalborg University, Denmark):
        From Timed Automata to Stochastic Hybrid Games
        -- Model Checking, Performance Evaluation and Synthesis
  • John Harrison, Intel (Portland, USA):
        HOL Light --- from foundations to applications
  • Natarajan Shankar (SRI CSL):
        Speaking Logic


The program also includes invited talks.

Submitted by Natarajan Shankar on