CPS-Synergy-Integrated Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis of Miniature Medical Devices


Over  the  last  decade,  researchers  have  started  exploring  the  design  space  of  Medical  Capsule  Robots  (MCRs):devices   that   operate   autonomously   within   the   human   body and  can  monitor,  diagnose,  prevent,  and  cure  diseases.  MCRs are  severely  resource  constrained  devices  in  size,  power  and computational  capacity.  As  such,  the  design  process  for  MCRs is  time  consuming  and  it  requires  deep  expertise  in  multiple domains.  To  open  up  the  field  and  unlock  the  vast  clinical potential  of  these  devices  as  diagnostic  and  interventional  tools, we have created an open source platform consisting of a library of modular hardware and software components and a web-based collaborative  design  environment.

License: CC-2.5
Submitted by Akos Ledeczi on