EAGER- SOCIUS- Socially Responsible Smart Cities Poster.pdf


This research is high-risk and high-reward. Failure means that the resulting planning algorithms will make unfair decisions and prioritize a few organizations or donors, or will make fair, but inefficient allocation decisions, which will endanger social justice and community well-being. Success will improve both eciency of resource distribution and the quality of life of underserved populations in the United States. The completion of the project will produce 1) algorithms for optimal resource allocation that are both ecient and aware of human-in-the-loop concerns, and which can be used for other functions including disaster-response, and 2) communication infrastructure for non-profit organizations, volunteers, and populations in need, to coordinate other service activities.

The project has potential for great societal impact: it will make charitable donations convenient and inexpensive for those with supply power, increasing the volume of donations and thereby reducing wastage. The outcome will be an improved realization of the philanthropic potential of the increasingly sharing nature of the American economy.

License: CC-2.5
Submitted by Yasser Shoukry on