SDO - Software Defined Orchestration for Fog Computing


Fog computing refers to distributing cloud services and extending  them up to the edge of the network, allowing processing  close to the source of data ñ that guarantees a timely response, network traffic reduction, and scalability. In contrast to cloud computing, fog computing utilizes resources from various levels in the network hierarchy ñ thereby posing the need for seamless resource management. However, current Internet architecture is essentially an interconnection of domains, each of which is autonomous and may have its own implementation of resource and network management policies. Guaranteeing end-to-end qualities to applications over networks with potentially incompatible implementations requires orchestrating them at a higher level. 

Hence, we propose a software-defined approach for application deployment across multiple domains while maintaining end-to-end QoS requirements set forth by applications. The orchestration is enabled by an abstraction of individual domains and only exposing network and compute services that they can offer. Software control is, therefore, made hierarchical ñ with the orchestrator routing flows and placing application modules across networks, while each domain is responsible for carrying out scheduling tasks assigned to it. End-to-end quality requirements are decomposed by the orchestrator and handed over to domains, such that with each domain providing the requested guarantees, end-to-end guarantees can be provided to the application.

License: CC-2.5
Submitted by Umakishore Ram… on