CPS: Small: Low-Impact Monitoring of Streaming Systems
The objective of this research is to enable improved performance and application development efficiency for streaming applications. The approach is to use architecturally diverse computing engines, such as field programmable gate arrays and graphics processing units, to execute portions of an application. This approach is especially well suited to applications that process streaming data, such as from a sensor array like a telescope or other scientific instrument. Intellectual merit. While the use of architecturally diverse systems has a long history in the world of performance-critical systems that interact with the physical world, application development has always been a challenge. This proposal seeks to improve application development by making significant progress in two essential areas: performance monitors and debuggers. The approach has the following properties: it is non-intrusive with respect to the application being monitored and it supports data collection concerning rare events. In particular, it allows correlation of the cyber portion of an application with the physical portion in which the rare events occur. Broader impacts. Impact on society: The research can have a dramatic impact on cyber-physical computing applications, from scientific instrumentation to medical imaging. Improvements in power efficiency, weight, and volume are all achievable through the use of architectural diversity. Education: The proposed research will be carried out by graduate and undergraduate students, both furthering their education and increasing the nation's trained workforce. Underrepresented groups: Washington University's Chancellor's Fellowship and Olin Fellowship programs will be leveraged to attract the participation of individuals from underrepresented groups.
Performance Period: 10/01/2009 - 09/30/2013
Institution: Washington University in St. Louis
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 0931693