Form & Manage Communities of Interest

The CPS-VO Portal provides extensive support for Communities of Interest. Communities of Interests may be formed by groups around a technical topic, organizing committees who set up a CPS workshop and intend to publicize the event and archive the generated documents or project teams who want to make their results available through the CPS VO Portal. The created groups may include subgroups, they can use group specific vocabularies (taxonomies) for labeling documents, can create group calendars and can establish their own access control policies. The main services available for creating and operating groups are the followings:

  1. Process and services for initiating groups
    Details are available on the Request to Form a Group page.
  2. Services for Group membership management
    Details are available on the Group Memberships How To page.
  3. Broadcast message service for groups.
    Details are available on the Broadcast Message How To page.