Medical Cyber Physical Systems Workshop 2013

Date: Apr 08, 2013 8:00 am – Apr 08, 2013 4:00 pm
Location: Philadelphia, PA

April 8, 2013 | Hosted at CPSWeek in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Workshop Archives:  2007 | 20092011 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016

The fourth workshop on Medical Cyber-Physical Systems (formerly known as HCMDSS (High Confidence Medical Devices, Software, and Systems) and Medical Device Plug-and- Play (MD PnP)) provides a forum for the presentation of research and development covering aspects of high integrity and interoperability for medical devices, software, and systems that are essential to improve safety and efficiency in health care. The goal of the workshop is to bring together medical device specialists, including researchers, developers, and caregivers, from clinical environments, industry, research laboratories, academia, and government to identify and address challenges facing the design, manufacture, certification, and use of medical devices.


We welcome submissions that define challenges, report experience, or discuss progress toward solutions.  Relevant topics include but are not limited to:



Integration of Medical Device Systems/Models: Challenges and requirements for integration and inter-operation; experience developing, operating, or certifying interoperable equipment; component- or model-based approaches specifically targeting medical device interoperability; and data security and privacy issues


Enabling Technologies for Future Medical Devices: Development, operation, or certification of implantable regulatory devices, networked biosensors, or tele- and robotic surgery devices physiologic signal QoS



Distributed Control & Sensing: Robust, verifiable, fault-tolerant control of uncertain, multi-modal systems; physiologic signal QoS



Patient Modeling & Simulation: Large scale, high fidelity organ and patient models for design and testing



Embedded, Real-Time, Networked System Infrastructures for MCPS: Architecture, platform, middleware, and resource management issues and innovations related to safety, security, or verifiability



High Confidence Medical Device Software Assurance: Challenges and innovations related to definitions of ‘safe’ behavior that vary across patients; how medical professionals will use new equipment and capabilities; and reconfiguration of devices and networks to meet individual patients’ needs



Medical Practice-driven Models and Requirements: User-centric design, management of failures in a clinical environment, modeling of operational scenarios, including medical devices, caregivers, patients



Certification of Medical Devices: Quantifiable incremental certification of medical device interoperability, role of design tools and COTS, approval of non-deterministic and self-adaptive devices



Decision support systems: professionals and patients, as well as patient guidance services, which build on multimodal data fusion, data and pattern analysis, and modeling and predictive algorithms of patient health status

Care Programs: identification of suitable care for patients, innovation in care pathways, organizational models and business models



Important Dates
Feb 8, 2013:   Submission Deadline
Feb 28, 2013:   Notification
Mar 5, 2013:   Camera Submission Due
TBD   Early Registration

Please email your paper in PDF format to Krishna Venkatasubramanian - kven at wpi dot edu. Please use the corresponding author's last name as the file name. Example: Venkatasubramanian.pdf. 

Papers should follow the two-column ACM Proceedings Format and be a maximum of eight (8) pages in length. Please refer to the ACM SIG Proceedings Template page for paper templates in both Microsoft Word and LaTeX formats. LaTeX is the preferred template.


The workshop is part of CPSWEEK 2013.


The workshop is part of CPSWEEK 2013.

Technical Program

Printed proceedings of the workshop will be distributed at the venue. A PDF version of the proceedings will be posted on this site. 

Call for Papers

Call for papers[pdf]

Workshop Co-Chairs
Rahul Mangharam   University of Pennsylvania
Iain Bate   University of York
Patrick Graydon   Mälardalen University
Krishna Venkatasubramanian   Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Workshop Steering Commttee
Julian M. Goldman, MD   Mass. General Hospital
Paul Jones   U.S. Food & Drug Admin. (FDA)
Insup Lee (Chair)   University of Pennsylvania
Sandy Weininger   U.S. Food & Drug Admin. (FDA)


  • Health Care
  • CPSWEEK 2013
  • high-confidence medical devices, software and systems
  • medical device interoperability
  • human modeling
  • vital sign analysis
Submitted by Oleg Sokolsky on