Tarek Abdelzaher, UIUC | Real-time Criticality-Aware Neural Networks | | 2038817 | 1 |
Behcet Acikmese, University of Washington | Optimization-Based Planning and Control for Assured Autonomy: Generalizing Insights from Space Missions | | 1931744 | 2 |
Fatemeh Afghah, Clemson University | CAREER: Toward Autonomous Decision Making and Coordination in Intelligent Unmanned Aerial Vehicles' Operation in Dynamic Uncertain Remote Areas | | 2232048 | 3 |
Fatemeh Afghah, Clemson University | Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: Wildland Fire Observation, Management, and Evacuation using Intelligent Collaborative Flying and Ground Systems | | 2204445, 2038741, 2038759, 2038589 | 4 |
Soyoung Ahn, University of Wisconsin-Madison | Identifying, Characterizing, and Shaping Multi-Scale Cyber-Human Interactions in Mixed Autonomous/Conventional Vehicle Traffic | | 1739869 | 5 |
Venkataramana Ajjarapu, Iowa State University | CPS: Medium: Data-driven Causality Mapping, System Identification and Dynamics Characterization for Future Power Grid | | 1932458 | 6 |
Homa Alemzadeh, University of Virginia | CAREER: Context-Aware Runtime Safety Assurance in Medical Human-Cyber-Physical Systems | | 2146295 | 7 |
Aaron Ames, California Institute of Technology | CPS: Medium: Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems: From Validation & Verification to Test & Evaluation | | 1932091 | 8 |
James Anderson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Presenter: Joshua Bakita | Real-Time Computer Vision in Autonomous Vehicles: Real Fast Isn't Good Enough | | 1837337 | 9 |
James Anderson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Presenter: Joshuau Bakita | CPS: Medium: GOALI: Enabling Scalable Real-Time Certification for AI-Oriented Safety-Critical Systems | | 2038855 | 10 |
Murat Arcak, UC Berkeley | Population Games for Cyber-Physical Systems: New Theory with Tools for Transportation Management Under Extreme Demand | | 2135791 | 11 |
Nora Ayanian, Brown University | Novel Algorithmic Techniques for Drone Flight Planning on a Large Scale | | 1837779 | 12 |
Aaron Becker, University of Houston Presenter: Julien Leclerc | CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Wireless Magnetic Millibot Blood Clot Removal and Navigation in 3-D Printed Patient-Specific Phantoms Using Echocardiography | | 1932572 | 13 |
Jennifer Blain Christen, Arizona State University | CPS: Machine Learning Enabled "Smart Nets" to Optimize Sustainable Fisheries Technologies | | 1837473 | 14 |
Paul Bogdan, University of Southern California Presenter: Jyotirmoy Deshmukh | CPS Small: Uncertainty-Aware Framework for Specifying, Designing and Verifying Cyber-Physical Systems | | 1932620 | 15 |
Olga Boric-Lubecke, University of Hawaii at Manoa | i-HEAR: immersive Human-On-the-Loop Environmental Adaptation for Stress Reduction | | 2039089 | 16 |
Francesco Borrelli, UC Berkeley | Safe Learning for Co-Robots - Theory, Experiments, and Education | | 1931853 | 17 |
Justin Bradley, University of Nebraska-Lincoln | CAREER: Foundations for a Resource-Aware, Cyber-Physical Vehicle Autonomy | | 2047971 | 152 |
Sean Brennan, Penn State University | CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Automated Discovery of Data Validity for Safety-Critical Feedback Control in a Population of Connected Vehicles | | 1932509, 1931927, 1932138 | 18 |
Mark Campbell, Cornell University | CPS: Medium: Safety Assured, Performance Driven Autonomous Vehicles | | 2211599 | 19 |
Luca Carlone, MIT | CAREER: Certifiable Perception for 
Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems | | 2044973 | 20 |
Samarjit Chakraborty, UNC Chapel Hill | Design Automation for Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems | | 2038960 | 21 |
Thidapat Chantem, Virginia Tech | Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: Timeliness vs. Trustworthiness: Balancing Predictability and Security in Time-Sensitive CPS Design | | 2038726, 2038609, 2038995, 2230969 | 22 |
Qi Chen, University of California, Irvine | SecureNN: Design of Secured Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems Against Adversarial Machine Learning Attacks | | 1932464, 1932351 | 23 |
Bo Cheng, The Pennsylvania State University | Towards Optimal Robot Locomotion in Fluids Through Physics-informed Learning with Distributed Sensing | | 1932130; 1931893; 1931929 | 24 |
Liang Cheng, University of Toledo | Analysis, Identification and Mitigation of Delay Performance Bottlenecks of Network Infrastructure in Cyber-Physical Systems | | 2146968 | 25 |
Elizabeth Cherry, Georgia Tech | Real-Time In-the-Loop Feedback Control of Alternans in Explanted Human Hearts | | 2028677 | 26 |
Sandeep Chinchali, The University of Texas at Austin | Data Sharing and Compression for Cooperative Networked Control | | 133481 | 153 |
Mooi Choo Chuah, Lehigh University | Robust and Efficient Perception System for Autonomous Vehicles (REPAVE) | | 1931867 | 27 |
Andrew Clark, Washington University in St. Louis | CAREER: Synthesis and Control of Cyber-Resilient CPS | | 1941670 | 28 |
Jane Cleland-Huang, University of Notre Dame | Interactive Human-Drone Partnerships in Emergency Response Scenarios | | 1931962 | 29 |
Sam Coogan, Georgia Tech | Certifiable Reinforcement Learning for Cyber-Physical Systems | | 1836932, 1836819 | 30 |
Ran Dai, Purdue University | Autonomy of Origami-inspired Transformable Systems in Space Operations | | 2201568 | 31 |
Krutz Daniel, Rochester Institute of Technoloogy | Informed Contextual Bandits to Support Decision-Making for Intelligent CPS | | 2225354 | 32 |
Joseph Davidson, Oregon State University | CPS: Small: Learning to Pick Fruit using Closed Loop Control and In-Hand Sensors | | 1932205 | 33 |
Jyotirmoy Deshmukh, University of Southern California | CAREER: A Framework for Logic-based Requirements to guide Safe Deep Learning for Autonomous Mobile Systems | | 2048094 | 34 |
Yu Ding, Texas A&M University | CPS: Medium: Real-Time Learning and Control of Stochastic Nanostructure Growth Processes Through in situ Dynamic Imaging | | 2038625 | 35 |
Liang Dong, Iowa State | CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Field-Scale, Single Plant-Resolution Agricultural Management Using Coupled Molecular and Macro Sensing and Multi-Scale Data Fusion and Modeling | | USDA-NIFA 2020- 67021-31528 | 154 |
Dongliang Duan, University of Wyoming | CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Collective Intelligence for Proactive Autonomous Driving (CI-PAD) | | 1932139, 2103256 | 36 |
Anamika Dubey, Washington State University | Adaptive, Human-centric Demand-side Flexibility Coordination At-scale in Electric Power Networks | | 2208783 | 37 |
Helen Durand, Wayne State University | Enhancing Cybersecurity of Chemical Process Control Systems | | 1932026 | 38 |
Petar Djuric, Stony Brook University | Collaborative Research: CPS:Medium: Scalable Intelligent Backscatter-based RF Sensor Network for Self-diagnosis of Structures | | 2038761, 2038801 | 155 |
Ayan Dutta, University of North Florida | Towards Efficient and Secure Agricultural Information Collection Using a Multi-Robot System | | 1932300, 1931767 | 39 |
Salma Elmalaki, University of California, Irvine | CRII: CPS: Society-in-the-Loop Personalized Computing | | 2105084 | 40 |
Emily Grubert, Georgia Institute of Technology | CPS: Medium: Dynamic Pricing for Optimal Design of Sustainable Transportation Systems | | 1931980 | 41 |
Rose Faghih, New York University | CAREER: MINDWATCH: Multimodal Intelligent Noninvasive brain state Decoder for Wearable AdapTive Closed-loop arcHitectures | | 2226123 | 42 |
Yaser Fallah, University of Central Florida | Perceptive Stochastic Coordination in Mass Platoons of Automated Vehicles | | 1932037 | 43 |
Chen Feng, New York University Presenter: Alain Boldini | Accurate and Efficient Collective Additive Manufacturing by Mobile Robots | | 1932187 | 44 |
Lu Feng, University of Virginia | CAREER: Formal Methods for Human-Cyber-Physical Systems | | 1942836 | 45 |
Vanessa Frias-Martinez, University of Maryland | CAREER: Data-Driven Models of Human Mobility and Resilience for Decision Making | | 1750102 | 46 |
Jie Fu, University of Florida | CPS: CAREER: Formal Synthesis for Provably Correct Cyber-Physical Defense with Asymmetric Information | | 2144113 | 47 |
Grace Gao, Stanford University | No Signal Is Also a Signal: Improving GPS Positioning in Urban Canyons by Turning Satellite Signal Shadows Cast by Buildings into Useful Environmental Features | | 2006162 | 156 |
Hassan Ghasemzadeh, Arizona State University | Human-in-the-Loop Learning of Complex Events in Uncontrolled Environments | | 2227002 | 48 |
Stephanie Gil, Harvard University Presenter: Ninad Jadhav | CAREER: Multi-Agent Decision Making and Optimization using Communication as a Sensor | | 2114733 | 49 |
Sevgi Gurbuz, The University of Alabama | CPS: Small: Collaborative Research: RF Sensing for Sign Language Driven Smart Environments | | 1932547, 1931861 | 50 |
Jin-Oh Hahn, University of Maryland | CAREER: Enabling "White-Box" Autonomy in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems | | 1748762 | 51 |
Song Han, University of Connecticut | Collaborative Research: A Secure Communication Framework with Verifiable Authenticity for Immutable Services in IIoT Systems | | 1932480, 1932447 | 52 |
Josiah Hester, Northwestern University Presenter: Qi Zhu | Batteryless Sensors Enabling Smart Green Infrastructure | | 2038853 | 53 |
Jesse Hoagg, University of Kentucky | Data-Driven Adaptive Real-Time (DART) Flow-Field Estimation Using Deployable UAVs | | 1932105 | 54 |
Rishee Jain, Stanford University Presenter: Neda Mohammadi "Madi" | Building Information, Inhabitant, Interaction and Intelligent Integrated Modeling (BI5M) | | 1836995, 1837021, 1837022 | 55 |
Shubham Jain, Stony Brook University | CPS: Small: Performance Monitoring Cyber-Physical System for Emerging Fitness Spaces | | 2110193 | 56 |
George Kantor, Carnegie Mellon University Presenter: Zachary B. Rubinstein | Using Computer Vision to Improve Data Import for Precision Thinning Models in Apples | | 12020-01469-1022394, 22020-67021-31532 | 57 |
Panagiota Karava, Purdue University Presenter: Ting-Chun Kuo | A Meta-Learning Approach to Enable Autonomous Buildings | | 2038410 | 58 |
Lav Khot, Washington State University | CPS: Small: Localized, Geospatial Sensing of Canopy and Fruit Microclimate for Real-time Management of Sunburn in Apples | | 1837001 | 59 |
Lav Khot, Washington State University | CPS: MEDIUM: Field-specific Weather-driven Automated Frost Mitigation of Specialty Crops | | 2021-67021-34336 | 60 |
Jonathan Kimball, Missouri S&T Presenter: Rui Bo | CPS:Medium: Trusted CPS from Untrusted Components | | 1837472 | 61 |
Asimina Kiourti, The Ohio State University | CAREER: Multi-Utility Textile Electromagnetics for Motion Capture and Tissue Monitoring Cyber-Physical Systems | | 2042644 | 62 |
Ilya Kolmanovsky, University of Michigan | Multi-Objective Mitigation Strategies for Viability and Performance of Cyber-Physical Systems | | 1931738, 1932530 | 63 |
Jorge Laval, Georgia Institute of Technology | Emulating Emerging Autonomous Vehicle Technologies to Understand their Impact on Urban Congestion | | 1932451 | 64 |
Xiang Li, Santa Clara University | CRII: CPS: Data-Driven Cascading Failure Abstraction and Vulnerability Analysis in Cyber-Physical Systems | | 1948550 | 152 |
Insup Lee, University of Pennsylvania Presenter: Pengyuan Lu | Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: Sensor Attack Detection and Recovery in Cyber-Physical Systems | | 2143274, 2143256 | 65 |
Shuai Li, University of Tennessee Knoxville | CPS: Medium: Bio-socially Adaptive Control of Robotics-Augmented Building-Human Systems for Infection Prevention by Cybernation | | 2038967 | 66 |
Jia Liu, Harvard University | An AI-enabled Cyber-Physical-Biological System for Cardiac Organoid Maturation | | 2038603 | 67 |
Yilu Liu, University of Tennessee Knoxville Presenter: He Yin | CPS: Small: Data-driven Real-time Data Authentication in Wide-Area Energy Infrastructure Sensor Networks | | 1931975 | 68 |
Yao Ma, Texas Tech University | CRII: CPS: Human-Centric Connected and Automated Vehicles for Sustainable Mobility | | 2153229 | 69 |
Andreas Malikopoulos, University of Delaware | Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: An Online Learning Framework for Socially Emerging Mixed Mobility | | 2149520 | 70 |
Enrique Mallada, Johns Hopkins University | Enabling DER Integration via Redesign of Information Flows | | 2136324 | 71 |
Neda Masoud, University of Michigan Presenter: Yafeng Yin | CPS: Small: Behaviorally Compatible, Energy Efficient, and Network-Aware Vehicle Platooning Using Connected Vehicle Technology | | 1837245 | 72 |
Carlos Mastrangelo, University of Utah | Deep Integration of Thin Flexible Autonomous Microsystems for Vision Correction | | 1932602 | 73 |
Nikolai Matni, University of Pennsylvania | CPS: Medium: Robust Learning for Perception-Based Autonomous Systems | | 2038873 | 74 |
Negar Mehr, UIUC Presenter: Dorsa Sadigh | CPS: Small: Risk-Aware Planning and Control for Safety-Critical Human-CPS | | 2218759 | 75 |
Ali Mehrizi-Sani, Virginia Tech Presenter: Ardavan Mohammadhassani | Resilient Power Sharing in 100% Inverter-Based Transmission Systems Under GPS Spoofing Attacks | | 1953213 | 76 |
Fei Miao, University of Connecticut | Small: Collab: Improving Efficiency of Electric Vehicle Fleets: A Data-Driven Control Framework for Heterogeneous Mobile CPS | | 1932250 | 151 |
Fei Miao, University of Connecticut | CAREER: Distributionally Robust Learning, Control, and Benefits Analysis of Information Sharing for Connected Autonomous Vehicle | | 2047354 | 151A |
Javad Mohammadpour Velni, Clemson University | Perceptive Stochastic Coordination in Mass Platoons of Automated Vehicles | | 1931981 | 77 |
Bashir Morshed, Texas Tech University | CPS: Small: Inkjet Printed Flexible Electronic CPS with Context-aware Events of Interest Detection | | 1932281 | 78 |
Todd Murphey, Northwestern University | Information-Based Control of Cyber-Physical Systems Operating in Uncertain Environments | | 1837515 | 79 |
Adwait Nadkarni, William & Mary Presenter: Denys Poshyvanyk | Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: Enabling Data-Driven Security and Safety Analyses for Cyber-Physical Systems | | 2132281 | 80 |
Srinivasa Narasimhan, Carnegie Mellon University | CPS: TTP Option: Medium: Discovering and Resolving Anomalies in Smart Cities | | 2038612 | 81 |
Pierluigi Nuzzo, University of Southern California | High-Assurance Design of Learning-Enabled Cyber-Physical Systems with Deep Contracts | | 1846524 | 150 |
Meeko Oishi, University of New Mexico | Frontier: Cognitive Autonomy for Human CPS: Turning Novices Into Experts | | 1836900, 1836592 | 82 |
Chinedum Okwudire, University of Michigan | CPS: Small: Mitigating Uncertainties in Computer Numerical Control (CNC) as a Cloud Service using Data-Driven Transfer Learning | | 1931950 | 83 |
Necmiye Ozay, University of Michigan | Scalable and Safe Control Synthesis for Systems with Symmetries | | 1837680 | 84 |
Necmiye Ozay, University of Michigan Presenter: Sze Zheng Yong | Data-Driven Modeling and Preview-Based Control for Cyber-Physical System Safety | | 1931982, 1932066, 1932254 | 84 |
Sule Ozev, ASU | Constantly on the Lookout: Low-Cost Sensor Enabled Explosive Detection to Protect High Density Environments | | 1739451 | 86 |
Miroslav Pajic, Duke University Presenter: Michael Zavlanos | Offline Learning for Medical Cyber-Physical Systems | | 1837499 | 87 |
Gabriel Parmer, George Washington University | Edge-Cloud Support for Predictable, Global Situational-Awareness and Control for Autonomous Vehicles | | 1837382 | 88 |
Marco Pavone, Stanford University Presenter: Mahnoosh Alizadeh | Models and System-Level Coordination Algorithms for Power-in-the-Loop Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems | | 1837135 | 89 |
Ioannou Petros, University of Southern California Presenter: Maged Dessouky | Smart Freight Transport Using Behavioral Incentives | | 1932615 | 90 |
Hossein Pishro-Nik, UMass Amherst | CPS: Small: High-Impact Decision Making Using Cyber-Physical Systems: A Distortion-Based Framework | | 2150832 | 91 |
Hossein Pishro-Nik, UMass Amherst | CPS: Small: Trajectory-Based Cyber-Physical Networks (TCN): Theoretical Foundation and a Practical Implementation | | 1932326 | 92 |
Punit Prakash, Kansas State University | A CPS Approach to Tumor Immunomodulation: Sensing, Analysis, and Control to Prime Tumors to Immunotherapy | | 2039014 | 149 |
Sean Qian, Carnegie Mellon University | Optimal Ride Service For All: Users, Service Providers, and Society | | 1931827 | 93 |
Rajesh Rajamani, University of Minnesota | Smart Tracking Systems for Safe Interactions Between Scooters and Road Vehicles | | 2038403 | 94 |
Bhaskar Ramasubramanian, Western Washington University | CRII: CPS: RUI: Cognizant Learning for Autonomous Cyber Physical Systems | | 2153136 | 95 |
Lillian Ratliff, University of Washington | CPS: Small: Collaborative Research: Information Design and Price Mechanisms in Platforms for Cyber-Physical Systems with Learning Agents | | 1931718 | 96 |
Lillian Ratliff, University of Washington | CPS: CAREER: Co-Design of Information and Incentives in Societal-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems | | 1844729 | 97 |
Lisa Rebenitsch, SDSMT | Small: Cybersickness Mitigation and Test Suite Development | | 2139232 | 98 |
Kristin Rozier, Iowa State University Presenter: Phillip Jones | CPS: Medium: Resource-Aware Hierarchical Runtime Verification for Mixed-Abstraction-Level Systems of Systems | | 2038903 | 158 |
Dorsa Sadigh, Stanford University | Sufficient Statistics for Learning Multi-Agent Systems | | 2125511 | 99 |
Ricardo Sanfelice, University of California at Santa Cruz | Constraint Aware Planning and Control for Cyber-Physical Systems | | 2039054 | 100 |
Ricardo Sanfelice, University of California at Santa Cruz | Collaborative Research: CPS: Frontier: Computation-Aware Algorithmic Design for Cyber-Physical Systems | | 2111688 | 101 |
Sriram Sankaranarayanan, University of Colorado Boulder | Learning and Verifying Conformant Data-Driven Models for Cyber-Physical Systems | | 1932189, 1932068 | 102 |
Soumik Sarkar, Iowa State University | CAREER: Robustifying Machine Learning for Cyber-Physical Systems | | 1845969 | 103 |
Soumik Sarkar, Iowa State University | CPS: Frontier: Collaborative Research: COALESCE: COntext Aware LEarning for Sustainable CybEragricultural systems | | 1954556 | 104 |
Henning Schulzrinne, Columbia University | Naming, Twinning, and Observing - Towards Scalable, Reliable, and Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems | | 1932418 | 105 |
Jeff Scruggs, University of Michigan | CPS Medium: Autonomous Control of Self-Powered Critical Infrastructures | | 2206018 | 106 |
Sanjit Seshia, UC Berkeley Presenter: Hazem Torfah | Learning Operational Design Domains for Assured Autonomy | | 1545126 | 107 |
Sanjit Seshia, UC Berkeley Presenter: Ameesh Shah | Modeling and Influencing Human Attentiveness in Autonomy-to-Human Perception Hand-offs | | 1545126 | 107A |
Lui Sha, UIUC Presenter: Yanbing Mao | Virtual Sully: Autopilot with Multi-Level Adaptation for Handling Large Uncertainties | | 1932529 | 108 |
Srinivas Shakkottai, Texas A&M University Presenter: Vijay Subramanian | Empowering Prosumers in Electricity Markets Through Market Design and Learning | | 2038963, 2038416, 2038775 | 109 |
Ming Shao, UMass Dartmouth | AI-Boosted Precision Medicine Through Continual In Situ Monitoring of Microtissue Behaviors on Organs-On-Chips | | 2225818 | 110 |
Yasser Shoukry, University of California, Irvine | CAREER: Decision Procedures for High-Assurance AI-Controlled CPS | | 2002405 | 111 |
Yasser Shoukry, University of California, Irvine | CPS: Medium: Resilient-By-Cognition Cyber-Physical Systems | | 2013824 | 112 |
Aviral Shrivastava, Arizona State University | TickTalk: Timing API for Federated Cyber-Physical Systems | | 1645578 | 113 |
Simone Silvestri, University of Kentucky | Energy Management for Smart Residential Environments through Human-in-the-loop Algorithm Design | | 1943035 | 114 |
Anurag Srivastava, West Virginia University | CPS:DFG Joint: Medium: Collaborative Research: Data-Driven Secure Holonic control and Optimization for the Networked CPS | | 1932574 | 159 |
Stella Sun, University of Tennessee | CPS: Medium: Secure Constrained Machine Learning for Critical Infrastructure CPS | | 2038922 | 115 |
Ye Sun, University of Virginia Presenter: Sarah Sun | CAREER: System-on-Cloth: A Cloud Manufacturing Framework for Embroidered Wearable Electronics | | 2222110 | 116 |
Shreyas Sundaram, Purdue University | Towards Secure Large-Scale Networked Systems: Resilient Distributed Algorithms for Coordination in Networks under Cyber Attacks | | 1653648 | 117 |
Kun Suo, Kennesaw State University | Building Highly-efficient and Low-power Edge Computing with Data-driven Learning and Control | | 2103459 | 118 |
Arnold Swindlehurst, University of California Irvine | SMAC-FIRE: Closed-Loop Sensing, Modeling and Communications for WildFIRE | | 2209695 | 119 |
Mario Sznaier, Northeastern University | Safe Learning Enabled CPS | | 2038493 | 120 |
Paulo Tabuada, UCLA | Formally Correct Deep Perception For Cyber-Physical Systems: LiDAR localization with Guarantees | | 2211146 | 121 |
Lang Tong, Cornell University Presenter: Meng Wang | High-Fidelity High-Resolution and Secure Monitoring and Control of Future Grids: A Synergy of AI, Data Science, and Hardware Security | | 1932501, 1932196 | 122 |
Ufuk Topcu, The University of Texas at Austin | Provably Correct Shared Control for Human-Embedded Autonomous Systems | | 1652113 | 123 |
Roberto Tron, Boston University Presenter: Wenchao Li | Multiagent Physical Cognition and Control Synthesis Against Cyber Attacks | | 1932162 | 124 |
Panagiotis Tsiotras, Georgia Institute of Technology | Learning-Enabled Assistive Driving (LEAD): Formal Assurances during Operation and Training | | 2219755 | 125 |
Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis, Georgia Tech | CAREER: Towards an Intermittent Learning Framework for Smart and Efficient Cyber-Physical Autonomy | | 1851588 | 126 |
Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis, Georgia Tech | Collaborative Research: CPS: Small: An Integrated Reactive and Proactive Adversarial Learning for Cyber-Physical-Human Systems | | 2227185, 2227153 | 127 |
Christopher Vermillion, North Carolina State University Presenter: Dimitra Panagou | Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: Enabling Autonomous, Persistent, and Adaptive Mobile Observational Networks Through Energy | | 2223844 | 128 |
Dong Wang, UIUC Presenter: Yang Zhang | CAREER: Towards Reliable and Optimized Data-Driven Cyber-Physical Systems using Human-Centric Sensing | | 1845639, 2131622 | 129 |
Ning Wang, Rowan University Presenter: Yunsheng Wang | Cooperative AI Inference in Vehicular Edge Networks for Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems | | 2128341, 2128378, 2128350, 2128346 | 130 |
Shuo Wang, University of Florida | Security Certification of Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems | | 1818500 | 160 |
Peng Wei, George Washington University | CAREER: Safe and Scalable Learning-based Control for Autonomous Air Mobility | | 2047390 | 131 |
Robin White, Virginia Tech | Greener Pastures: A Pasture Sanitation CPS for Environmental Enhancement and Animal Monitoring | | 2021-67021-34769 | 132 |
Tichakorn Wongpiromsarn, Iowa State University | CAREER: Establishing Correctness of Learning-Enabled Autonomous Systems with Conflicting Requirements | | 2141153 | 133 |
Tichakorn Wongpiromsarn, Iowa State University | Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: Sharing the World with Autonomous Systems: What Goes Wrong and How to Fix It | | 2211141, 2211432 | 134 |
Weiming Xiang, Augusta University | CAREER: Enabling Trustworthy Upgrades of Machine-Learning Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems | | 2143351 | 135 |
Weiming Xiang, Augusta University | CPS: Small: Data-Driven Modeling and Control of Human-Cyber-Physical Systems with Extended-Reality-Assisted Interfaces | | 2223035 | 136 |
'YZ' Yezhou Yang, Arizona State University | Spatio-Temporal Logics for Analyzing and Querying Perception Systems | | 2038666 | 137 |
Jingang Yi, Rutgers University - New Brunswick | Real-Time Machine Learning-based Control of Human Cyber-Physical Balance Systems | | 1932370 | 138 |
Murat Yildirim, UC Berkeley | A Decentralized and Differentially Private Framework for Sensing, Operations and Respond Logistics in Large-Scale Vehicle Fleets | | 2104455 | 139 |
Sze Zheng Yong, Northeastern University | CAREER: Towards Non-Conservative Learning-Aided Robustness for Cyber-Physical Safety and Security | | 1943545 | 140 |
Haofei Yu, University of Central Florida | CPS: Medium: A Secure, Trustworthy, and Reliable Air Quality Monitoring System with Low-cost Sensors for Smart and Connected Communities | | 1931871 | 141 |
Majid Zamani, University of Colorado Boulder Presenter: John Jackson | Safe and Capable Autonomous Systems via Formal Verification and Synthesis with Gaussian Process Regression | | 2039062 | 142 |
Majid Zamani, University of Colorado Boulder | Data-Driven Safety Verification of Stochastic Systems via Barrier Certificates: A Wait-and-Judge Approach | | 2145184 | 143 |
Michael Zavlanos, Duke University | Risk-Averse No-Regret Learning in Online Convex Games | | 1932011 | 144 |
Xuan Zhang, Washington University in St. Louis | Modular Power Orchestration at the Meso-scale | | 1739643 | 161 |
Ding Zhao, Carnegie Mellon University | Probabilistic Risk Evaluation for Safety-Critical Intelligent Autonomy | | 2047454 | 145 |
Xiangnan Zhong, Florida Atlantic University | A Skill-Driven Cooperative Learning Framework for Cyber-Physical Autonomy | | 2047010 | 146 |
Xiangnan Zhong, Florida Atlantic University | A Self-Learning Intelligent Control Framework for Networked Cyber-Physical Systems | | 1947418, 1850240 | 147 |
Daphney-Stavroula Zois, SUNY at Albany | CAREER: Towards Optimized Operation of Cost-Constrained Complex Cyber-Physical-Human Systems | | 1942330 | 148 |