Design Studio
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ALC Toolchain
The ALC Design Studio enables an engineer to design Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS's) with integrated learning-enabled components (LECs).
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SEAM Design Studio
Systems Engineering and Assurance Modeling (SEAM) is a tool for the modeling of assurance cases that are integrated with the models of the system, such as requirement models, functional decomposition models, and architecture models extended with fault propagations.
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BIP Design Studio
The Behavior Interaction Priority (BIP) framework, rooted in rigorous semantics, allows modeling heterogeneous component-based systems. This group presents the various features provided by the Bip Design Studio including the modeling language, design guidance services, code generators and integration with the BIP tool-set.
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HyST Design Studio
HySTudio is a development environment to aid verification tool developers by providing a seamless integration experience with benchmark models so that at one point they can compare their work with other teams Its editor is based on SpaceEx modeling language and it employs HyST for translating output data into a suitable format to present to an analyzer.
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FSolidM Design Studio for Ethereum Smart Contracts
FSolidM is a framework rooted in rigorous semantics for designing contracts as Finite State Machines (FSM) on an easy-to-use graphical interface and for automatically generating Ethereum contracts. Integrated in FSolidM is a set of design patterns, implemented as plugins that developers can easily add to their contracts to enhance security and functionality.
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Hierarchical Finite State Machine (HFSM) Design Studio
The Finite State Machine (FSM) is a design pattern in which actions are determined by events and the current context of the system. The driver code dispatches events to the FSM that forwards it to the current state. Functions processing the events decide what should be the next system state. After that, the process repeats. The Hierarchical FSM is an extension of the FSM concept.
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DeepForge Design Studio
DeepForge is a development environment for deep learning designed for simplicity, collaboration and reproducibility of experiments. Visual editing allows users to quickly and easily design neural network architectures and machine learning pipelines using a simple, intuitive interface. Integrated Version Control means that every experiment can be easily reproduced as everything is automatically version controlled. Users can design, develop and iterate on neural network models from within the browser and train the models on remote machines and monitor all executions using real-time feedback!
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GridLAB-D Design Studio
This design studio allows working with GridLAB-D model files(.glm file) and simulates them. GridLAB-D design studio converts the textual code of the grid distribution system i.e the 'glm' files to elegant and easily manipulatable the GUI(Graphic User Interface) based distribution network. The tools and means provided in the design studio give a user the capability to edit the distribution system in the GUI format. Once the editing of the GUI based distribution system is completed, User can invoke the plugin to generate code (i.e. glm file) as well as can simulate and get the output from the GridLAB-D software installed on our server. Design studio also supports various underlying services like the lifelong centralized repository of your designs and edits, software project management and build process software updates etc.
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Modelica Design Studio
Modelica(r) is a non-proprietary, object-oriented, equation based language to conveniently model complex physical systems containing, e.g., mechanical, electrical, electronic, hydraulic, thermal, control, electric power or process-oriented subcomponents.
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ROSMOD Design Studio
The Robot Operating System Model-driven development tool suite (ROSMOD) is an integrated development environment for rapid prototyping component-based software for the Robot Operating System (ROS) middleware. ROSMOD is well suited for the design, development and deployment of large-scale distributed applications on embedded devices.