The CPS-VO Portal provides extensive support for Communities of Interest. Groups can be formed around a technical topic, event/workshop, or research project.
  • DARPA iFAB Program
    The manufacture of complex cyber-physical systems is generally limited to two options: large scale manufacturing that is efficient at producing one known product quickly and repeatably, or prototype assembly of a single (or few) test article(s).  …
  • Vanderbilt Digital Nights
    Vanderbilt Digital Nights Series(2020-2021)Welcome to the home page for the Vanderbilt Digital Nights Program! This series of events is sponsored by the Computational Thinking and Learning Initiative (CTLI), a group of interdisciplinary researchers from…
  • 2014 NSF Workshop for Aspiring PIs in Cyber-Physical Systems
    This invitation-only workshop was held 18-19 February 2014, and was sponsored by the National Science Foundation under award CNS-1419419, under the direction of Jonathan Sprinkle of the University of Arizona. Invitations were issued to researchers with…
  • 2012 The New Clockwork for Time-Critical Systems Planning Meeting
     A cyber-physical system consists of two interacting subsystems, a cyber-system and a physical system. The behavior of the cyber system is controlled by the execution of programs on a distributed digital computer system, while the laws of physics…
  • Design Automation for CPS and IoT (DESTION 2021)
    The relentless growth of complexity and heterogeneity of CPS and IoT systems imposes major challenges on and offers new opportunities for design automation methods and tools. Intrinsic heterogeneity—the large span in size from small CPS appliances to…
  • 2023 NSF-MOST Workshop on Cyber Physical Systems & Smart and Connected Communities
    Welcome In order to promote Taiwan and US bilateral cooperation, a follow up to the "2022 NSF-MOST Workshop on Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) & Smart and Connected Communities (SCC)” virtual meeting has been organized to be held in-person in…
  • 2021 Virtual CPS Summer Camp
    The summer cybercamp will offer a hands-on curriculum that teaches cybersecurity, programming, and robotics. Students will work in teams utilizing virtual robots in a shared 3D world. Participants will create computer programs to control the robots using…
  • Workshop on Assured CPS Autonomy for 3D Urban Transportation: Drones, Flying Cars and Beyond
    NSF-PIRE Workshop: US-Germany CPS Collaborations      Assured CPS Autonomy for 3D Urban Transportation: Drones, Flying Cars and BeyondVirtual | June 9-10, 2021View Program Agenda There has been a tremendous amount…
  • 2022 NSF Cyber-Physical Systems Principal Investigators' Meeting
    The 2022 Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Principal Investigators' (PI) Meeting was held at the Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel located at 1700 Richmond Highway in Arlington, VA 22202 on Monday, November 7, 2022 (arrival night) and Tuesday,…
  • Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) Community Forum
    Image The Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program funds fundamentally new, principled approaches to protect and defend cyberspace against harmful actions by determined adversaries, and to measure…
  • Design Automation for CPS and IoT (DESTION 2023)
    5th Workshop on Design Automation for CPS and IoT (DESTION 2023)One Day Workshop at IEEE/ACM CPS-IoT WEEK, May 9, 2023, San Antonio, Texas, USADESTION 2023 took place on May 9, 2023 as part of the CPS-IoT Week events.The target audience of DESTION 2023…
  • CPS Security Student Camps 2019
    Two 2019 summer camps were held </span>at the Vanderbilt University Institute for Software Integrated Systems in Nashvillle, Tennessee. The camps offered a hands-on curriculum that teaches cybersecurity, programming, and robotics. Students worked…
  • Foundations Of Resilient CybEr-physical Systems (FORCES)
    FORCES is designed to help protect the nation's critical infrastructure from attack and to ensure its robust, secure and efficient operation. Specifically, FORCES aims to increase the resilience of large-scale networked cyber-physical systems (CPS) in…
  • Design Automation for CPS and IoT (DESTION 2022)
    The relentless growth of complexity and heterogeneity of CPS and IoT systems imposes major challenges on and offers new opportunities for design automation methods and tools. Intrinsic heterogeneity—the large span in size from small CPS appliances to…
  • 2014 NSF CPS Reference Architectures Workshop
    The Cyber Physical Systems Virtual Organization (CPS-VO) will be conducting a one day workshop on CPS Reference Architectures. The workshop will be held at NSF on 26 March.Topics will include:What is a CPS reference architectureGeneral CPS architecture…
  • 2020 NSF CISE-SBE VR on Harnessing the Computational and Social Sciences to Solve Critical Societal Problems - PC Group
    The Virtual Roundtable on Harnessing the Computational and Social Sciences to Solve Critical Societal Problems is an invitation-only event jointly convened by the National Science Foundation directorates of Computer and Information Science and…
  • 2019 NSF Cyber-Physical Systems Principal Investigators' Meeting
    The tenth annual Cyber-Physical Systems Principal Investigators' Meeting (CPS PI Meeting '19) was held Wednesday, November 20 (arrival night) - Thursday, November 21 & Friday, November 22 (meeting days) at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, located…
  • Science of Integration
    Our mission is to provide reports, presentations and a science-based predictable tool suite to the Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) community related to our work in developing a new Science of Integration for CPS. This new science re-examines the…
  • DARPA META Program
    The goal of the META program is to substantially improve upon the existing systems engineering, integration, and testing process for defense systems. META is not predicated on one particular alternative approach, metric, technique, or tool. Broadly…
  • 2011 Workshop on Developing Dependable and Secure Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems from Components
    The 2011 Workshop for Developing Dependable and Secure Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems from Components (DDSA-CPS) was held in Troy, Michigan on March 17-18, 2011. The goal of this workshop, a follow-on to previous workshops on Cyber-Physical Systems (…