Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2024)

Date: Jul 08, 2024 6:00 am – Jul 11, 2024 4:00 pm
Location: Enschede, Netherlands

Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF) is a federation of leading conferences on software technologies. It was formed after the end of the successful TOOLS federated event in 2012, providing a loose umbrella organisation with a steering committee that aims to provide continuity.

The STAF federated event runs annually. The conferences that participate may vary from year to year, but all focus on practical and foundational advances in software technology. The conferences address all aspects of software technology, from object-oriented design, testing, mathematical approaches to modelling and verification, transformation, model-driven engineering, aspect-oriented techniques, and tools.

Conference organisers wishing to co-locate their event within the federated structure of STAF or interested in hosting a future STAF event are invited to contact members of the steering committee.

Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF) is a federation of leading conferences on software technologies. It was formed after the end of the successful TOOLS federated event in 2012, providing a loose umbrella organisation with a steering committee that aims to provide continuity. The next edition is approaching, and workshops are still open for submissions! 

STAF 2024 will include: 

27th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques (WADT 2024) 

Event: 8 July 2024
 Deadline: 10 May 2024 (abstract) + 17 May 2024 (full)
 Topics of interest:
 - Foundations of algebraic specification
 - Other approaches to formal specification, including process calculi and models of concurrent, distributed, and cyber-physical systems
 - Specification languages, methods, and environments
 - Semantics of conceptual modelling methods and techniques
 - Model-driven development
 - Graph transformations, term rewriting, and proof systems
 - Integration of formal specification techniques
 - Theorem-proving technologies and integration with specification languages
 - Formal testing and quality assurance, validation, and verification
 - Algebraic approaches to knowledge representation and cognitive sciences 

15th International Workshop on Graph Computation Models (GCM 2024) 

Event: 9 July 2024
 Deadline: 7 May 2024 (abstract) + 14 May 2024 (full)
 Topics of interest:
 - Foundations
  - Models of graph transformation
  - Analysis and verification of graph transformation systems
  - Parallel, concurrent, and distributed graph transformation
  - Term graph rewriting
  - Formal graph languages
 - Applications
  - Graph-based programming models and visual programming
  - Model-driven engineering
  - Evolutionary computation
  - Software architectures, validation and evolution
  - Databases
  - Graph-based security models
  - Workflow and business processes
  - Social network analysis
  - Bioinformatics and computational chemistry
  - Quantum computing
  - Case-studies 

Second International Workshop on Agility in Model-Driven Engineering (AgileMDE 2024) 

Event: 10 July 2024
 Deadline: 6 May 2024 (abstract) + 13 May 2024 (full)
 Topics of interest:
 - Integration of agile and model-driven methods
 - Lightweight modelling and tools for agile MDE
 - Acceleration and automation of MDE processes, using AI support or other approaches
 - Industrial applications of agile MDE
 - Agile MDE for safety-critical systems
 - Agile MDE approaches for reverse-engineering and re-engineering 

Fourth International Workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems (MeSS 2024) 

Event: 10 July 2024
 Deadline: 13 May 2024
 Topics of interest:
 - Runtime models and operation of smart IoT systems
 - Model-based deployment and orchestration of IoT Systems
 - Model-based testing for IoT
 - Multi-view modelling for IoT
 - Code generation for IoT
 - Simulation of physical systems and things
 - Modelling languages for IoT systems
 - Model-based analysis, verification, and validation techniques
 - Trustworthiness of smart IoT systems
 - Integration of IoT, Fog, and Cloud Computing spaces
 - Megamodelling for IoT systems (of systems) 

First Large Language Models for Model-Driven Engineering Workshop (LLM4MDE 2024) 

Event: 11 July 2024
 Deadline: 6 May 2024 (abstract) + 13 May 2024 (full)
 Topics of interest:
 - LLM-augmented modelling tools
 - LLMs to support MDE tasks
 - Prompt engineering techniques to adapt LLMs in the context of MDE
 - Retrieval Augmentation Generation (RAG) to support MDE
 - Performance evaluation of LLMs in a MDE context
 - Benchmarks to assess the modelling capabilities of LLMs
 - LLMs trained with modelling corpora
 - LLMs for supporting low-code development

WADT 2024 - Research papers - WADT 2024

Call for papers
The Programme Committee of WADT 2024 welcomes contributions describing original research on all aspects of algebraic specification and formal software development. Typical, but not exclusive topics of interest are:

Foundations of algebraic specification
Other approaches to formal specification, including process calculi and models of concurrent, distributed, and cyber-physical systems

GCM 2024 - STAF 2024

Graphs are common mathematical structures which are visual and intuitive. They constitute a natural and seamless way for system modeling in science, engineering and beyond, including computer science, life sciences, business processes, etc. Graph computation models constitute a class of very high-level models where graphs are first-class citizens. They generalize classical computation models based on strings or trees, such as Chomsky grammars or term rewrite systems. 

Agile MDE 2024 - STAF 2024

The workshop will serve as a platform for the presentation and discussion of cutting-edge work in agile Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), drawing from both industrial practice and academic research. Its objectives are to:

  • Facilitate the exchange of insights between practitioners and researchers regarding the challenges and potential solutions in agile MDE approaches.
  • Identify successful strategies and key factors for achieving success in implementing agile MDE.
  • Foster the growth and collaboration within the research and practitioner community in this field.

MeSS 2024 - 4th International Workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems (MeSS 2024) - STAF 2024

A recent forecast from the International Data Corporation (IDC) envisions that 41 billion Internet-of-Things (IoT) endpoints will be in use by 2025, representing great business opportunities. The next generation IoT systems need to perform distributed processing and coordinated behavior across IoT, edge and cloud infrastructures, manage the closed loop from sensing to actuation, and cope with vast heterogeneity, scalability and dynamicity of IoT systems and their environments. Smart IoT Systems have the potential to flourish innovations in many application domains. 

LLM4MDE 2024 - First Large Language Models for Model-Driven Engineering Workshop (LLM4MDE 2024) - STAF 2024

The introduction of ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and Bing Chat Ai marked a significant advancement in the field of natural language processing, contributing to the widespread popularity of large language models (LLMs). These models have found successful applications in diverse sectors, including healthcare, finance, education, and various engineering fields, among others. LLMs tailored for code, such as CodeLLama, Codex, and others, have revolutionized the landscape of software engineering. ..

Submitted by Amy Karns on