2014 Transportation CPS Workshop CFP Submissions - Grouped by Worskshop Plenary Session Topics |
Topic | Paper Title | First | Last | Organization | Email |
Aviation | Co-existence of Centralized Legacy Systems and Distributed Operational Concepts in NextGen | Natasha | Neogi | National Institute of Aerospace | Natasha.Neogi@nianet.org |
Aviation | Cyber-Physical System Foundation to Enable Robust Airborne Networking in the National Airspace System | Yan | Wan | University of North Texas | yan.wan@unt.edu |
Aviation | Cyber-Physical Systems Challenges in Next Generation Aviation Systems Air transportation, risk assessment, information sharing, human-automation | Hamsa | Balakrishnan | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | hamsa@mit.edu |
Aviation | Enabling Next Generation Airborne Communications and Networks | Kamesh | Namuduri | University of North Texas | kamesh.namuduri@unt.edu |
Aviation | Future Airspace Operations and Cyber Physical Security Considerations | Parimal | Kopardekar | NASA | parimal.h.kopardekar@nasa.gov |
Aviation | High-assurance provably correct controller synthesis of aerospace cyber-physical systems using Bayesian model checking | Sumit | Jha | University of Central Florida, Orlando and Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome | jha@eecs.ucf.edu |
Aviation | Learning Agents for Air Traffic Coordination: Key Challenges | Kagan | Tumer | Oregon State University | kagan.tumer@oregonstate.edu |
Aviation | On-Demand Mobility: Autonomy for Future Air Transportation | B. Danette | Allen | NASA | danette.Allen@nasa.gov |
Aviation | Safety-Assured Autonomy Technologies for Future Air Transportation | Christine M. | Belcastro | NASA | christine.m.belcastro@nasa.gov |
Aviation | Transportation CPS: Insights from Aviation on Major Challenges and Directions | Krishna | Sampigethaya | Boeing Research & Technology | radhakrishna.sampigethaya@boeing.com |
Aviation & Cloud-Based | Distributed and Hierarchical Management of Transportation Networks | Jorge | Cortes | University of California, San Diego | cortes@ucsd.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | An Information Centric View to Scalable, Resilient CyberPhysical Transportation Systems | Nalini | Venkatasubramanian | University of California, Irvine | nalini@ics.uci.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Big Control in the Industrial Internet | Benjamin | Beckmann | GE Global Research | beckmann@ge.com |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Big Data-Based Robust Transportation Systems for Disaster Management | Calton | Pu | Georgia Tech | calton.pu@cc.gatech.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Coping with Integration Challenges in Large Scale Smart Transportation Systems | Aniruddha | Gokhale | Vanderbilt University/Institute for Software Integrated Systems | gokhale@isis.vanderbilt.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Directly/Indirectly Coupled Impact of Energy Constraints on Information-Control Connectivity in Mobile Cyber Physical System (m-CPS) | Sudip K. | Mazumder | University of Illinois | mazumder@uic.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Formalisms for Cyber-Physical Systems in Transportation | Gul | Agha | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | agha@illinois.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Green Navigation | Tarek | Abdelzaher | UIUC | zaher@cs.uiuc.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Improving Efficiency of Transit Systems in Mega-Scale Cities | Tian | He | University of Minnesota | tianhe@cs.umn.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Improving Vehicle Fleet Fuel Economy via Learning Fuel-‐ Efficient Driving Behaviors | Milos | Manic | University of Idaho | misko@idahovandals.com |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Integrating Clouds with VANETs | Bharat | Bhargava | Purdue | bbshail@purdue.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Intelligent Transportation Systems-II:A Cyber-Physical System Approach and Research Strategy | Jyh-Charn (Steve) | Liu | TAMU | liu@cse.tamu.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Interactions between Electrified Shared Mobility and the Power Grid | Shuo | Han | University of Pennsylvania | hanshuo@seas.upenn.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Issues and Challenges for Vehicles in the Cloud | Ram | Dantu | University of North Texas | mjaynes@gmail.com |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Measuring the Complexity and Adaptation of Transportation CPS | Joseph | Loyall | Raytheon BBN Technologies | jloyall@bbn.com |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Mining Mobility Data for Building Intelligent Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems | Jiawei | Han | UIUC | hanj@cs.uiuc.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches and Infrastructure | Next Generation Multi-Modal Traffic Management Systems: Cyberphysical Challenges | Pitu | Mirchandani | Arizona State University | pitu@asu.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | On Leveraging Social Informatics for Transportation Cyber Physical Systems | S. Felix | Wu | University of California, Davis | sfwu@ucdavis.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Secure Open Mobile Cloud Platform for Urban Traffic and Safety Applications | Dijiang | Huang | Arizona State University | dijiang.huang@asu.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Towards a Cyber Physical Model for Smarter Transportation Infrastructure | Srdjan | Lukic | NC State University | smlukic@ncsu.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Towards Practical Personal Electrified Mobility | Shuo | Han | University of Pennsylvania | hanshuo@seas.upenn.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Towards Safe and Efficient Transportation-Based Critical Infrastructure | Wei | Yu | Towson University | Wyu@towson.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Aapproaches, and Infrastructure | Transportation Cyber-Physical Restoration in the Aftermath of Extreme Events | Suzanna | Long | Missouri University of Science and Technology | longsuz@mst.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Transportation Infrastructure Performance Monitoring and Life-Cycle Management | Gunar | Schirner | Northeastern University | schirner@ece.neu.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Aapproaches, and Infrastructure | Using adaptive fault-tolerance for automotive and aerospace applications | Mani | Krishna | University of Massachusetts | krishna@ecs.umass.edu |
Cloud-Based Systems, Green Approaches, and Infrastructure | Winternet and Its Applications for Transportation Systems | Wei | Zhao | University of Macau | zhao8686@gmail.com |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | ACCESS: Ad hoc Crowdsourcing for CongEStion Support | Tamer | Nadeem | Old Dominion University | nadeem@cs.odu.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | An Operator based Approach to Autonomous Systems | Edward | Griffor | Chrysler | eg574@chrysler.com |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Asymptotically-Safe Formation Control in Vehicular Networks Communicating over Wireless Radio Channels | Michael | Lemmon | University of Notre Dame | lemmon@nd.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Automated Intersections: A CPS Grand Challenge | Stavros | Tripakis | UC Berkeley | stavros.tripakis@gmail.com |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Autonomous Vehicles and New Cyber Physical Challenges | Mario | Gerla | UCLA | gerla@cs.ucla.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Challenges for Certifiable Software for Autonomous Vehicles | Walid | Taha | Rice University and Halmstad University | maroneal@gmail.com |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Communication and decision making between the human driver and autonomous driver | Ruzena | Bajcsy | UC Berkeley | bajcsy@eecs.berkeley.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Connecting Manual and Automated Driving Via Modeling and Simulation | Paul | Green | University of Michigan | pagreen@umich.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Control for Composition: A Correct-by-construction synthesis approach for connected vehicles | Necmiye | Ozay | University of Michigan | necmiye@umich.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Cooperative partly automated ans coordinated vehicles and transports | Tony | Larsson | Halmstad University | tony.larsson@hh.se |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Co-operative, Integrated Vehicle-Intersection Control for Sustainability (CIVIC-S) | Adel | Sadek | SUNY Buffalo | asadek@buffalo.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Cyber-Physical Transportation Systems: From Stalled to Suddenly Lurching Forward | Amelia | Regan | University of California, Irvine | aregan@uci.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Cyber-Technology to Improve Transportation Resiliency during Emergencies (CITRE) | Chunming | Qiao | SUNY Buffalo | qiao@computer.org |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Design and Evaluation of the Connected Vehicle Systems: Safety, Mobility and Fuel Economy | Gabor | Orosz | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor | orosz@umich.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Developing Decentralized and Coordinated Surface Traffic Control Based on Well-Connected Smart Transportation Systems | Lili | Du | Illinois Institute of Technology Position | ldu3@iit.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Distributed Sensing, Communications and Control System for Enabling High Performance Vehicle Streams | Sumit | Roy | Washington | roy@ee.washington.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Evaluation of the Performance and Safety of Automated Vehicles | Huei | Peng | University of Michigan | hpeng@umich.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Fault-Tolerant Vehicle Architectures and Design Methods | Steven | Shladover | University of California, Berkeley | steve@path.berkeley.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Formal Synthesis of Discrete Control Logic for Safe Transportation Systems | Stephane | Lafortune | University of Michigan | stephane@umich.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Human-in-the-loop Control with Prediction of Driver Intention: Safe Driving Assistance For Beginners | Shan | Lin | Temple University | shan.lin@temple.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Interdisciplinary, Multi-modal and Partial Reality Experimental System with Instrumented Vehicles and Environment (IMPRESIVE) | Adel | Sadek | SUNY Buffalo | asadek@buffalo.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Monitoring for Safety in Transportation CPS | Milos | Zefran | University of Illinois at Chicago | mzefran@uic.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | MOUNT: Mountain-oriented Optimal Ubiquitous Networked Transportation | Houbing | Song | West Virginia University | h.song@acm.org |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Route Guidance System Incorporating Travelers Behaviors via Cyber Physical System | Brian | Park | University of Virginia | bpark@virginia.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Safe Collaborative Driving Systems | Nicholas | Maxemchuk | Columbia University | nick@ee.columbia.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Solving Transportation Problem with Wireless Vehicular Networks | David | Du | University of Minnesota | du@cs.umn.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | TerpInspectors: A Semi-autonomous Mobile Network for Infrastructure Inspection | Nuno | Martins | University of Maryland at College Park | nmartins@isr.umd.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | The Case for Passenger Customized Automotive Active Safety Systems | Panagiotis | Tsiotras | Georgia Institute of Technology | tsiotras@gatech.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | The Need for an Application-Centric Networking Paradigm for Large Scale Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems | Yaser | Fallah | West Virginia University | yaserpf@gmail.com |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | The Value of Cyber-Physical Mobility-On-Demand Systems | Mac | Schwager | Boston University | schwager@bu.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation | Towards Collaborating Semi-Autonomous Vehicular Systems | Umit | Ozguner | The Ohio State University | ozguner.1@osu.edu |
Connected Vehicles and Automation + Security | Selected Key Research Areas for Transportation CPS | David | LeBlanc | University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) | leblanc@umich.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Assurance-Directed Design of Cyber-Physical Systems | Natarajan | Shankar | SRI International | shankar@csl.sri.com |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Assured Resilience of Vehicular Control Systems | Oleg | Sokolsky | University of Pennsylvania | sokolsky@cis.upenn.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Automated Testing and Verification for Cyber-Physical Transportation Systems | Georgios | Fainekos | Arizona State University | fainekos@asu.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Automotive CPS Research Needs: Scalable, Dependable, Adaptive, Reconfigurable Fault-Tolerant Architectures | Tom | Fuhrman | General Motors | thomas.e.fuhrman@gm.com |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Building Blocks for High Assurance Cyber-Physical Transportation Systems | Manimaran | Govindarasu | Iowa State University | gmani@iastate.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Challenges of Applying Formal Methods to Automotive Control Systems | Ken | Butts | Toyota Technical Center | ken.butts@tema.toyota.com |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Developing Programming Abstractions for Cyberphysical Systems | Sayan | Mitra | University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign | mitras@illinois.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Embedded Wireless Networking for Automotive CPS: Probabilistic Guarantees and Implications | Hongwei | Zhang | Wayne State University | hongwei@wayne.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Ensuring the Safety of Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems | Linh Thi Xuan | Phan | University of Pennsylvania | linhphan@cis.upenn.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Formal Verification of Transportation Systems | Hao | Zheng | University of South Florida | zheng@cse.usf.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Including the social component in smart transportation systems | Dan | Work | UIUC | dbwork@illinois.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Low-Cost, Embedded Safety-Critical Systems | Gary | Balas | University of Minnesota | balas@umn.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Managing Uncertainty in the Design of Safety-Critical Aviation Systems | Peter | Seiler | University of Minnesota | seiler@aem.umn.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Model Checking Transportation Software | Sagar | Chaki | Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute | chaki@sei.cmu.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Model-based Development of Cyber Physical Systems | Bharath | Pattipati | University of Connecticut | bharath@engr.uconn.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Model-based Development of Cyber Physical Systems | Krishna | Pattipati | University of Connecticut | krishna@engr.uconn.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Model-Based System-Level Testing for Distributed Transportation CPS | Ratnesh | Kumar | Iowa State | rkumar@iastate.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Modeling Cyber-Physical Systems Using Fractional-Order Differential Equations | Bill | Goodwine | Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame | jgoodwin@nd.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | NSF CyPhy Model Based Virtual Integration | Steve | Vestal | Adventium Labs | steve.vestal@adventiumlabs.com |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Passivity based Tools for Intelligent Transportation | Panos | Antsaklis | University of Notre Dame | antsaklis.1@nd.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Robustness Analysis of Safety-Critical Systems | Gary | Balas | University of Minnesota | balas@umn.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Scalable Component Based Model Revision with Separation of Concerns for Cyber Physical Systems | Sandeep | Kulkarni | Michigan State University | sandeep@cse.msu.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Stability of a Cyber-Physical Systems Using Cooperating Invariants | Tansel | Yucelen | Missouri University of Science and Technology | tyucelen@gmail.com |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Synthesis of Provably Correct, Integrated Protocols for Autonomy and Networking | Jie | Fu | University of Pennsylvania | jief@seas.upenn.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Tackling Uncertainty for Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems | Betty | Cheng | Michigan State University | chengb@cse.msu.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Transportation CPS Safety Challenges | Philip | Koopman | Carnegie Mellon University | koopman@cmu.edu |
Model-based Design, Verification and Validation | Verification and Validation of Cyber-Electro-Mechanical Vehicles | Xenofon | Koutsoukos | Vanderbilt University | xenofon.koutsoukos@vanderbilt.edu |
Security, Trust, and Privacy | Cyber security issues in automobile and highway systems | Jeff | Rowe | UC Davis | rowe@cs.ucdavis.edu |
Security, Trust, and Privacy | Cyber-Physical Approaches for Designing Trustworthy Intelligent Transportation Systems | Sriram | Chellappan | Missouri Univer. of Science and Technology | chellaps@mst.edu |
Security, Trust, and Privacy | Next Generation Transportation Systems: Enabling Distributed Decision-Making, Security, and Trust in Networks of Autonomous Vehicles | Alexander | Wyglinski | Worcester Polytechnic Institute | alexw@wpi.edu |
Security, Trust, and Privacy | Privacy-Preserving Techniques in the Context of Transportation CPS | Susanne | Wetzel | Stevens Institute of Technology | swetzel@stevens.edu |
Security, Trust, and Privacy | Securing the Future of Transportation | Ulf | Lindqvist | SRI International | ulf.lindqvist@sri.com |
Security, Trust, and Privacy | Security and Privacy for Connected Vehicles | Marco | Gruteser | Rutgers University | gruteser@winlab.rutgers.edu |
Security, Trust, and Privacy | Security in Transportation Systems | Suhas | Diggavi | UCLA | suhas@seas.ucla.edu |
Security, Trust, and Privacy | Security-as-a-Service for Transportation Cyber Physical Systems | Sanjay | Madria | Missouri University of Science and Technology | madrias@mst.edu |
Security, Trust, and Privacy | Towards Cyber-Physical Security of Flow-based CPS | Radu | Stoleru | Texas A&M University | stoleru@cse.tamu.edu |
Security, Trust, and Privacy | Trustworthy Transportation Networked Control Systems | Saurabh | Amin | MIT | amins@mit.edu |
General | Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems | Warren | Hunt | University of Texas | hunt@cs.utexas.edu |