Workshop Attendees
2014 NSF Early Career Professionals Workshop on Exploring New Frontiers in CPS - Workshop Attendees
First NameLast NameAffiliation 
RuzenaBajcsyUniversity of California, Berkeley
RaminBighamianUniversity of Maryland
IshanuChattopadhyayCornell University
Dae-HyunChoiTexas A&M University
VenanzioCichellaUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
E. WilliamColglazierUS Department of State
DavidCormanNational Science Foundation
JanCunyNational Science Foundation
SairajDhopleUniversity of Minnesota 
VelinDimitrovWorcester Polytechnic Institute 
AlirezaDirafzoonNorth Carolina State University
ChinwenduEnyiohaUniversity of Pennsylvania 
GavinGarnerUniversity of Virginia
OmidGhasemalizadehVirginia Tech
ErwinGianchandaniNational Science Foundation
Helen GillNational Science Foudation (Retired)
HarjeetJohalGE Energy 
BrianJohnsonNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
MichaelKaneARPA-E Fellow
AliKhanaferUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
JunsungKimCarnegie Mellon University
RobinKimUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
FrankieKingVanderbilt University / Institute for Software Integrated Systems
Min KyungLeeCarnegie Mellon University
KendraLesserUniversity of New Mexico
SarahLoosCarnegie Mellon University
RobertMacCurdyCornell University
AnnMajewiczStanford University 
CharlieMatlackUniversity of Washington
Michael (Andy)McEvoyUniversity of Colorado at Boulder
JoseMonsalveUniversity of Delaware 
YousofNaderiNortheastern University 
BenNewtonThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
ThoNguyenNational Science Foundation
CameronNowzariUniversity of Pennsylvania 
NecmiyeOzayUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Stephen PortzEinstein Fellow, NSF
MohammadRasouliUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor
LauraRozoUniversity of Delaware 
IndranilSahaUniversity of California, Berkeley; University of Pennsylvania 
KurtSchabUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 
JunSeoUniversity of Pennsylvania 
MeenupriyaSwaminathanNortheastern University 
ShahyarTaheriVirginia Tech
SteveVozarJohns Hopkins University
EmilyWehbyVanderbilt University / Institute for Software Integrated Systems
YangWengCarnegie Mellon University
PatrickWensingThe Ohio State University 
SeanWhitsittUniversity of Arizona
CathyWuUniversity of California, Berkeley
XiangYinUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Sze ZhengYongMIT
HyungchulYoonUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
JiaxingZhangNortheastern University 
FengZhouGeorgia Tech