Applied mathematics and computational algorithms are the innovation backbone of the 21st century. They allow to realize the impossible.
Dirk Hartmann is an industrial mathematician, Siemens Technical Fellow, intrapreneur, and thought leader in the field of Simulation and Digital Twin. Many of his innovations have led to novel products and services. Among the multiple distinctions, he has received the Werner-von-Siemens Top Innovator award 2019 and the Siemens Inventor of the Year 2021 award.
In his career, Dirk took several leading roles in research, innovation, and development across Siemens including the lead of a multi-million Siemens R&D program and the technical leadership for the Simulation & Digital Twin field at Siemens Technology with more than 120 scientists across the globe. Beyond this, Dirk drives industrial mathematics on a national, European, and international level as well is a passionate mentor and teacher for the next generation of innovators and experts exploring novel Digital Twin solutions for all industries.