New Clockwork for Time-Critical Systems 2012 Program Agenda

The start and ending times each day will not change and can be used for travel planning.

The breakout sessions are a critical part of the workshop. Attendees are expected to use these sessions as an opportunity to voice their views on the overall theme of the workshop, the points raised (or not raised) by speakers, and to contribute to the identification of needed future research efforts to realize the benefits of the "new clockwork". Each of these sessions will produce a summary report to be incorporated into a final report to the NITRD.

October 25, 2012

0730 - 0830Continental Breakfast (Provided)
0830 - 0850Session 1: Introduction (Ted Baker, John Eidson)
Welcome, participant introduction and workshop objectives
0850 - 1020

Session 2: (Al Mok)

The State of the Art in Clock, Clock Synchronization, and Time and Frequency Distribution Technology
John Eidson (UC Berkeley) and Doug Arnold, Symmetricom

Medical Perspective
Julian M. Goldman, MD. (Massachusetts General Hospital and Partners HealthCare)

Real-Time Wireless Control Networks: Challenges and Directions
Chenyang Lu (Washington University St Louis)

1020 - 1045Coffee Break (Provided)
1045 - 1215

Session 2 continued: (Al Mok)

Synchronization Issues in Prosumer Smart Grids
Santiago Grijalva (Georgia Tech), Magnus Egerstedt (Georgia Tech), and Marilyn Wolf (Georgia Tech)

Research Needs for Time-Driven Smart Manufacturing
Kang Lee (NIST), Eugene Song (NIST), Ya-Shian Li-Baboud (NIST), James Moyne (UMich)

Challenges for Time-Critical Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems
Raj Rajkumar (Carnegie Mellon University)

1215 - 1315Lunch (Provided)
1315 - 1445

Session 3: (Al Mok)

Telcom perspective: At the Tone, The Time Will Be Unknown
Bob Iannucci (CMU-SV)

Models of Time for Safety Critical Systems: Partial vs. Total Order - Polychronous vs. Synchronous
Sandeep K. Shukla (Virginia Tech)

Towards Self-stabilizing Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Clock Generation in Systems-on-Chip
Danny Dolev (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Matthias Fugger (Vienna University of Technology), Christoph Lenzenz (Weizmann Institute of Science), and Ulrich Schmid (Vienna University of Technology)

1445 - 1510Coffee Break (Provided)
1510 - 1640Session 4: Breakout sessions (Moderators and scribes for the breakout sessions will be assigned at the workshop.)
Brainstorm content for the report, and record the outcomes of the discussions.
1640 - 1730Session 5: Reports on breakout sessions
1730Adjourn for the day. Dinner is on your own.


October 26, 2012


0730 - 0830Continental Breakfast (Provided)
0830 - 1000

Session 6: (Raj Rajkumar)

Precision Timed Infrastructure: Promoting Time to a First-Class Citizen in System Design
David Broman, Stephen A. Edwards , Edward A. Lee, UC Berkeley, Columbia.

New Clockwork: Time in COTS Technology
Sundeep Chandhoke, Rodney Greenstreet, Arkadeb Ghosal, Hugo A Andrade, National Instruments.

Probabilistic Secure Time Transfer: Challenges and Opportunities in a Sub-Millisecond World
Kyle D. Wesson, Todd E. Humphreys, and Brian L. Evans, UT Austin.

1000 - 1030Coffee Break (Provided)
1030 - 1200

Session 6 continued: (Raj Rajkumar)

Efficiency considerations in the implementation of cyber-physical systems
Jim Anderson and Sanjoy Baruah, The University of North Carolina

Opportunities and Challenges Arising from New High Precision Distributed Time in DoD Systems
Patrick Lardieri (Lockheed) and Boris Gelfand (Lockheed)

Models of Time for a Computational World
Edward A. Lee (UC Berkeley)

1200 - 1300Lunch (Provided)
1300 - 1430

Session 7: (Raj Rajkumar)

Mixed Physical and Cyber Clocks for Cyber-Physical Systems
Dionisio de Niz (Carnegie Mellon University)

Timing Robustness and Resilience
John Rushby (SRI)

Time and controls: When to Exercise Control?
Paulo Tabuada (UCLA)

1530 - 1630Session 8: Breakout sessions (Moderators and scribes for the breakout sessions will be assigned at the workshop.)
Brainstorm content for the report, and record the outcomes of the discussions.
1630 - 1730Adjourn for the day. Dinner is on your own for the moderators and scribes involved in Saturday session.