Call for Contributions for the 1st International Conference on Engineering Reliable Autonomous Systems (ERAS)

The 1st International Conference on Engineering Reliable Autonomous Systems (ERAS) will be held in Worcester, MA, USA from May 29 to May 30, 2025.


ERAS aims to offer a space for all stakeholders across autonomous system reliability to come together to discuss the key challenges and present progress made towards solving them. The scope of the conference is on all the aspects of engineering reliable autonomous systems, ranging from systems and software engineering to their verification and evaluation. For the purpose of this conference, "autonomous systems" is synonymous with "systems that make their own decisions and can take their own actions," and includes everything from autonomous decision-making software running in a virtual environment to teams of autonomous robots operating in a distributed physical environment, everything from simple reactive systems with no planning capability to complex systems incorporating machine learning and reasoning engines. Contributions addressing aspects of reliability across the entire life cycle of the system are welcome.


More info here:

Submitted by Jason Gigax on