2014 NSF Early Career Professionals Workshop on Exploring New Frontiers in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS-YP)

Date: Mar 13, 2014 7:00 am – Mar 14, 2014 4:00 pm
Location: Washington, DC

Workshop Announcement

In order to foster innovative and thought-provoking discussions exploring new frontiers of cyber-physical systems, we are today announcing a Young Professionals’ Workshop on Exploring New Frontiers in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS-YP).  The workshop will be held March 13-14, 2014 at the American Geophysical Union, 2000 Florida Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20009.

Participation at this unique workshop, supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), is prioritized for upper-level graduate students (post Master’s Degree) and recent Ph.D. graduates (within one year after the Ph.D. dissertation defense).  This workshop aims to identify new paradigms, challenges, and opportunities that will define future research directions for CPS; expand the conversation to facilitate advances in closely related disciplines such as energy, transportation, and healthcare; and nurture and grow the field by fostering new collaborations among young researchers.  Two “best posters” from the workshop will be invited to attend CPS Week in Berlin, Germany (to be held April 14-17, 2014; see www.cpsweek2014.org), with all associated travel expenses to be covered

In addition to the 2 poster winners sponsored to CPS Week by the workshop, there are additional potential opportunities for travel support to CPS Week from NSF.  Outstanding contributions to the workshop will be recommended to a selection committee chaired by Professor Michael Branicky, Dean of Engineering, University of Kansas for consideration.

Please see the workshop announcement http://cps-vo.org/group/CPSYoungProfessionals2014/announcement for complete details.


  • Foundations
  • 2014 CPS-ECP
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