The Symposium on Emerging Topics in Control and Modeling: Cyber-Physical Systems

Date: Oct 20, 2011 3:00 am – Oct 21, 2011 2:00 pm
Location: Urbana, IL

The goal of this two-day, single-track event is to expose researchers to control and modeling challenges in cyber-physical systems (CPS) with the aim of exchanging knowledge and fostering collaborations between academia, industry, and government agencies. The proposed symposium will cover several applications of cyber-physical systems such as networked systems of unmanned vehicles, power grids, green buildings, transportation systems and health-care systems via invited talks, poster presentations and a panel discussion. Academic researchers, representatives from industry and government agencies, and graduate students from various universities will be invited to attend the symposium.

This symposium is the 3rd part of the series on Emerging Topics in Control and Modeling, and follows the Symposium on Biomedical Systems in 2010 and the Symposium on Alternative Energy Systems in 2009.

The main objective of this symposium is to expose researchers, in particular, graduate students, to some of the important challenges that exist in the various CPS applications, especially from a modeling and controls perspective. This symposium will benefit students who aspire to be future leaders in innovation and research in the area of CPSs, in the following ways:

  • Invited Talks: Tweleve invited speakers, who are renowned experts in one or multiple application areas of CPSs will share their insight on the control and modeling challenges in these systems through a series of interactive, hour-long presentations. These speakers will consist of leaders from academia, industry, and government agencies, representing diverse applications of CPS’s.
  • Poster Session: One poster session provides a great opportunity to the students to interact with the invited speakers and other attendees.
  • Panel Discussion: A cross section of the invited speakers and some faculty members would interact with the audience and share a strategic vision of the CPS areas via a panel discussion.
  • Networking opportunities: The reception and lunch sessions also provide immense networking opportunities to students in a less formal setting to interact with their peers from other universities and foster potential collaborations.
  • Defense
  • Energy
  • Energy Efficient Buildings
  • Smart Grid
  • Critical Infrastructure
  • SCADA Systems
  • Robotics
  • Transportation
  • Composition
  • Control
  • Modeling
  • Resilient Systems
  • Science of Security
  • Secure Control Systems
  • Symposium
Submitted by Quanyan Zhu on