CPS: Small: Transforming a City's Transportation Infrastructure through an Embedded Pervasive Communication Network
Lead PI:
Shigang Chen
The objective of this inter-disciplinary research is to develop new technologies to transform the streets of a city into a hybrid transportation/communication system, called the Intelligent Road (iRoad), where autonomous wireless devices are co-located with traffic signals to form a wireless network that fuses real-time transportation data from all over the city to make a wide range of new applications possible. The approach is to build new capacities of quantitative bandwidth distribution, rate/delay assurance, and location-dependent security on a pervasive wireless platform through distributed queue management, adaptive rate control, and multi-layered trust. These new capacities lead to transformative changes in the way the transportation monitoring and control functions are designed and operated. Many technical challenges faced by the iRoad system are open problems. New theories/protocols developed in this project will support sophisticated bandwidth management, quality of service, multi-layered trust, and information fusion in a demanding environment where critical transportation functions are implemented. Solving these fundamental problems advances the state of the art in both wireless technologies and transportation engineering. The research outcome is likely to be broadly applicable in other wireless systems. The economic and societal impact of the iRoad system is tremendous at a time when the country is modernizing its ailing transportation infrastructure. It provides a pervasive communication infrastructure and engineering framework to build new applications such as real-time traffic map, online best-route query, intelligent fuel-efficient vehicles, etc. The research results will be disseminated through course materials, academic publication, industry connection, and presentations at the local transportation department.
Performance Period: 09/01/2009 - 08/31/2013
Institution: University of Florida
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 0931969