GTTSE 2015
The 5th Summer School on Grand Timely Topics in Software Engineering (GTTSE)
Registration is open for participants!
There is a students' workshop to which one may submit.
List of speakers
- Matthew Dwyer (University of Nebraska, USA): Probabilistic program analysis
- Cesar Gonzalez-Perez (Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain): How ontologies can help in software engineering
- Stefan Hanenberg (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany): Empirical Evaluation of Programming and Programming Language Constructs
- Frédéric Jouault (ESEO Institute of Science and Technology, France): Model Synchronization
- Julia Rubin (MIT, USA): To merge or not to merge: managing software product families
- Leif Singer (University of Victoria, Canada): People Analytics in Software Development
- Ulrik Pagh Schultz (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark): DSLs in Robotics: A Case Study in Programming Self-reconfigurable Robots
- Yannis Smaragdakis (University of Athens, Greece): Structured Program Generation Techniques
- Friedrich Steimann (FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany): Refactoring and beyond
- Nikolai Tillmann (Microsoft Research, USA): Software Engineering Processes in the Cloud
- Guido Wachsmuth (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands): Name Binding: Paradigms, Representation and Specification
Historically, in the first four editions of GTTSE, the school series focused on generative and transformational techniques in software engineering, as evident from the original acronym (GTTSE - Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering). With the rise of the Software Language Engineering conference, the school series also covered that field. As of the 5th edition, a broader scope is applied to include additional areas of software engineering, e.g., software analysis, empirical research, modularity, and product lines. Thus, the new expansion of the GTTSE acronym: Grand Timely Topics in Software Engineering. The notion of timely topics is inspired by the ICSE conference which, in its 2015 edition, features technical briefings as "a venue for communicating the current state of a timely topic related to software engineering".
The school's scientific program of GTTSE 2015 consists of 10 briefings for different timely topics in software engineering. Each briefing is based on a relatively short paper which combines aspects of surveying and tutorial. The surveying aspect is realized specifically by the design constraint for the briefings to dedicate 50% to the analysis of related work. The remaining 50% are typically dedicated to the more specific research of the presenters. Each briefing gets allotted 2-3 sessions with up to 3 hours in total. The speakers for the briefings are established authorities in their respective fields.
GTTSE 2015 also features a students' workshop. These presentations may be refined into submissions of short papers (6-8 pages LNCS style) to be peer-reviewed and considered for inclusion in the post-proceedings past the school.
All material presented at the school will be collected in informal proceedings to be handed out solely to the participants. Formal and public post-proceedings will be compiled after the summer school where all contributions are subjected to reviewing. The post-proceedings of the school will be published in a volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series of Springer International Publishing. The post-proceedings of the previous four instances of the summer school were published as LNCS 4143 (GTTSE 2005), LNCS 5235 (GTTSE 2007), LNCS 6491 (GTTSE 2009) and LNCS 7680 (GTTSE 2011).
Organization committee
- Jácome Cunha (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal) - Organization Chair
- João Paulo Fernandes (Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal) - Program Chair
- Ralf Lämmel (Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany) - Briefings Chair
- João Saraiva (Universidade do Minho, Portugal) - General Chair
- Joost Visser (Software Improvement Group, The Netherlands) - Industry Chair
- Vadim Zaytsev (Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands) - Publicity Chair
Scientific committee
- Bram Adams (École Polytechnique de Montréal)
- Benoit Baudry (INRIA)
- Xavier Blanc (Bordeaux 1 University)
- Darius Blasband (RainCode)
- Paulo Borba (Federal University of Pernambuco)
- Mark van den Brand (Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Martin Bravenboer (LogicBlox Inc.)
- Jordi Cabot (INRIA-École des Mines de Nantes)
- João Cardoso (FEUP/Universidade do Porto)
- Michel Chaudron (Chalmers & Gothenborg University)
- Anthony Cleve (University of Namur)
- Benoît Combemale (Université de Rennes 1)
- Alcino Cunha (Universidade de Minho)
- Jácome Cunha (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
- Juan De Lara (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
- Andrea De Lucia (University of Salerno)
- Coen De Roover (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
- Davide Di Ruscio (Università degli Studi dell'Aquila)
- Zinovy Diskin (McMaster University / University of Waterloo)
- Rudolf Ferenc (University of Szeged)
- João M. Fernandes (Universidade do Minho)
- João Paulo Fernandes (Universidade da Beira Interior)
- João Saraiva (Universidade do Minho)
- Mike Godfrey (University of Waterloo)
- Martin Gogolla (University of Bremen)
- Jeff Gray (University of Alabama)
- Mark Grechanik (University of Illinois at Chicago)
- Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc (École Polytechnique de Montréal)
- Gorel Hedin (Lund University)
- Florian Heidenreich (DevBoost GmbH)
- Pedro Rangel Henriques (Universidade do Minho)
- Felienne Hermans (Delft University of Technology)
- Dirk Heuzeroth (Hochschule Heilbronn)
- Robert Hirschfeld (Hasso-Plattner-Institut)
- Zhenjiang Hu (NII)
- Marianne Huchard (Université Montpellier 2 et CNRS)
- Jean-Marc Jézéquel (University of Rennes 1)
- Foutse Khomh (École Polytechnique de Montréal)
- Holger Kienle (Freier Informatiker)
- Dimitris Kolovos (University of York)
- Nicholas A. Kraft (ABB Corporate Research)
- Jens Krinke (University College London)
- Christian Kästner (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Paul Klint (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica)
- Ralf Lämmel (Universität Koblenz-Landau)
- Michele Lanza (University of Lugano)
- Timothy Lethbridge (University of Ottawa)
- David Lo (Singapore Management University)
- Tiziana Margaria (Lero)
- Erik Meijer (Delft University of Technology)
- Marjan Mernik (University of Maribor)
- Ana Moreira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
- José Nuno Oliveira (Universidade do Minho)
- Rocco Oliveto (University of Molise)
- Richard Paige (University of York)
- Alfonso Pierantonio (Università degli Studi dell'Aquila)
- Juergen Rilling (Concordia University)
- Sibylle Schupp (Hamburg University of Technology)
- Bran Selic (Malina Software Corp.)
- Alexander Serebrenik (Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Tony Sloane (Macquarie University)
- Simão Melo de Sousa (Universidade da Beira Interior)
- Tijs van der Storm (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica)
- James Terwilliger (Microsoft Corporation)
- Laurence Tratt (King's College London)
- Antonio Vallecillo (Universidad de Málaga)
- Eric Van Wyk (University of Minnesota)
- Jurgen Vinju (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica)
- Joost Visser (Radboud University Nijmegen)
- Markus Völter (independent)
- Tanja E. J. Vos (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)
- Andreas Winter (Carl von Ossietzky University)
- Victor Winter (University of Nebraska at Omaha)
- Andy Zaidman (Delft University of Technology)
- Vadim Zaytsev (Universiteit van Amsterdam)