Career: Towards Secured and Efficient Energy-based Critical Infrastructure
Yu Wei
Lead PI:
Yu Wei
The goal of this project is to establish a theoretical and empirical foundation for secured and efficient energy resource management in the smart grid - a typical energy-based cyber-physical system and the future critical energy infrastructure for the nation. However, as a large distributed and complex system, the smart grid inherently operates under the presence of various uncertainties, which can be raised from natural disasters, malicious attacks, distributed renewable energy resources, plug-in electrical vehicles, habits of energy usage, and weather. These uncertainties make the development of a secured and efficient energy resource management system challenging. To address this challenging problem, a novel modeling framework and techniques to deal with these uncertainties will be developed. Threats and their impact on both system operations and end users will be studied and effective defensive schemes will be developed. The outcomes of this project will have broader impacts on the higher education system and national economy and will provide a scientific foundation for designing a secured and efficient energy-based critical infrastructure. The contributions of this project include: a theoretical framework, techniques, and toolkits for smart grid research and education. Specifically, a modeling framework for secured and efficient energy resource management will be developed to quantify uncertainties from both the cyber and physical power grids. Techniques based on statistical modeling, data mining, forecasting, and others will be developed to manage energy resources efficiently. Based on the developed framework, the space of attacks against system operations and end users from key function modules, attack venue, abilities of adversaries, and system knowledge will be studied systematically. Based on the deep understanding of attacks, novel schemes to prevent, detect, and attribute attacks will be developed. An integrated cyber and physical power grid simulation tool and testbed will be developed to evaluate the proposed modeling framework and techniques using realistic scenarios. This project will integrate research, education, and outreach. The outcomes of the project will be integrated into curriculum development and provide research and educational opportunities for both graduate and undergraduate students, including underrepresented minorities and CyberCorps: Scholarship for Service students.
Performance Period: 09/01/2014 - 08/31/2019
Institution: Towson University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1350145