NSF Early Career Workshop on Exploring New Frontiers in Cyber-Physical Systems
Lead PI:
Sertac Karaman
This proposal funds an early-career workshop in Cyber-Physical Systems. The target audience includes late-stage graduate students; postdoctoral fellows; and assistant professors early in their academic careers. The workshop is multidisciplinary, and is designed to focus on foundational CPS ideas applicable across multiple domains such as energy, transportation, and healthcare. The workshop hopes to identify new research directions through brainstorming discussions, plenary talks, and poster sessions. The community of early-career researchers has typically not been addressed by previous CPS workshops or PI meetings; engaging these individuals will foster new partnerships and collaborations, contribute to the growth of new and creative ideas that are foundational to CPS across multiple application domains, and will contribute to the nurturing of early-career PIs and prospective PIs in CPS - thereby positively impacting the CPS innovation ecosystem.
Performance Period: 06/15/2014 - 06/30/2016
Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1445299