MobiHoc Workshop on Airborne Networks and Communications
Lead PI:
Kamesh Namuduri
The project funds the organization of a workshop on "Airborne Networking and Communications". The workshop, colocated with the ACM MobiHoc Symposium, will be held on August 11, 2014, in Philadelphia. The workshop will be the third in a series that started in 2012. Airborne Networking is an emerging area of cyber physical systems - and issues of control, processing, and networking lie at the heart of this field. It is important to build a foundational science to support this area as unmanned vehicles become more prevalent. The workshop brings top researchers in area together to help develop a research agenda and continue to further the field. In addition, strong outreach to undergraduate students for participation is a key component of the NSF funding.
Performance Period: 09/01/2014 - 07/31/2016
Institution: University of North Texas
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1446639