CPS: Synergy: Triggered Control of Cyber Physical Systems with Communication Channels Constraints
Cyber physical systems extend the range of human capabilities in an increasing number of areas with high societal and economic impact, such as smart energy, intelligent transportation, advanced manufacturing, health technology, and the environment. Their successful operation requires the close integration of communication, sensing, actuation, control, and computation. However, advances in these fields have not always been well coordinated. Information theory, for instance, studies how to compress and protect information communicating over noisy channels, while in many control applications communication is abstracted as being instantaneous and reliable. Information theory states that long codes are desirable to protect data against channel noise, but for control applications long delays are not acceptable. On the other hand, triggered control takes an opportunistic approach to decide when actions should be taken to make the system operate efficiently, but largely ignores the constraints imposed by communication. This proposal contributes to the development of a common theoretical framework for control and communication that merges information theory and triggered control to design robust and efficient protocols for the operation of cyber physical systems in real-world scenarios. Such a synergy can have a tremendous impact in the societal settings mentioned above, and at the same time will enable education of students and researchers to prepare themselves in this emerging area of technology. The aim of the project is to develop a synergistic approach to solving the problem of control under communication constraints and/or unreliable communication channels. The approaches to state-triggered control and information-theoretic control individually address different and somewhat complementary aspects of the problem. Therefore, by leveraging the strengths of the two approaches superior and more complete solutions to the problem may be designed. An information-theoretic approach to providing data rate theorems can be used to enrich state-triggered strategies to prescribe both when and what to transmit, as well as to quantify the average usage of the communication channel. Similarly, existing control strategies for unreliable and stochastic communication channels can be enriched by considering triggering mechanisms as additional communication constraints to be accounted for in the feedback loop while designing the communication channel.
Performance Period: 01/01/2015 - 12/31/2019
Institution: University of California at San Diego
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1446891