CRII: CPS: A Knowledge Representation and Information Fusion Framework for Decision Making in Complex Cyber-Physical Systems
Soumik Sarkar
Lead PI:
Soumik Sarkar
This Data-driven Decision-making in Cyber-physical systems (CPS) project focuses on bringing tools from data science and systems science together to develop new tools for analyzing and making accurate decisions in complex cyber-physical systems (e.g., power-grid, transportation network, power plants and smart buildings) to make them safer, more efficient and highly secure. This project develops algorithms, implements software and demonstrates proof-of-concept using large integrated building system as a challenge application area. Potential advantages of the tools developed in this research over current methods will be higher degree of accuracy, increased automation and lower cost of implementation. Majority of state-of-the-art methods use ad-hoc rules and physics-based models for such problems. However, they lack in accuracy and scalability due to the very complex nature of current and future large interconnected systems. The tools developed in this project will alleviate these issues significantly via intelligent use of large volume of data generated from the systems. The theoretical aspect of the research will make use of inherently multidisciplinary concepts from Nonlinear Dynamics, Information Theory, Machine Learning and Statistical Mechanics. The research project primarily supports interdisciplinary education and career development of graduate students as well as offers education and outreach programs to high school and undergraduate students in STEM disciplines. The project engages the Center for Building Energy Research (CBER) at Iowa State to demonstrate success on a real platform. The center provides a unique opportunity to the researchers to test and validate the tools on the Interlock House test bed which is a high end field laboratory for energy efficiency research and data validation. This enhances the potential of transitioning the new technology toward commercial reality.Soumik
Performance Period: 05/15/2015 - 04/30/2018
Institution: Iowa State University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1464279