Organization and Coordination of The Workshop on Public Policy
George Gross
Lead PI:
George Gross
This award is supporting travel for sixteen researchers to attend the Public Policy Issues in Cyber-Security and Privacy for Small Grid Technology to be held Chicago, IL, September 30th - Oct 1st, 2009. Background: The push toward more economic and cleaner electricity supply is spearheading the implementation of smart grid technology in the electricity industry. The effective deployment of digital communication and control technology in the smart grid raises concerns over cyber-security and privacy. While some of these concerns pertain to the technology aspects, there are numerous issues of a policy nature that have not been adequately explored. The goal of the workshop is to support dialog on public policy issues in cyber-security and privacy for smart grid technology. It will bring together interested stakeholders, domain experts, and policy makers from government agencies, national labs, universities, developers and vendors, industry associations, and consumer organizations from the U.S. and other countries. The workshop is designed to provide a forum for the in-depth discussion of the most pressing issues and to address policy requirements for providing practical ways to safeguard the cyber-security of the smart grid technology and to insure that the privacy concerns of individuals are effectively addressed. The sessions of the workshop will focus on thematic thrusts in the areas of need for regulation or self-regulation, the key policy musts, and the role of standards in the assurance of cyber-security and privacy. The workshop is co-funded by the McArthur foundation.
Performance Period: 10/01/2009 - 12/31/2010
Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 0960392