PSPAE'09 Doctoral Consortium and Student-Author Travel
Fillia Makedon
Lead PI:
Fillia Makedon
This award provides NSF support to sponsor students and faculty mentors from US institutions to participate in a doctoral symposium held during the First Workshop on Privacy and Security in Pervasive e-Health and Assistive Environments in Corfu, Greece, June 9-13, 2009. This workshop is in conjunction with the Second International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA?09 The doctoral symposium shares the aims of the PSPAE workshop, seeking new directions in security and privacy research and education. The focus of the PSPAE workshop is a multidisciplinary discussion aimed towards developing new insights into privacy and security issues for pervasive technologies that will be deployed for the benefit of society. The scientific community is expected to benefit from discussions on the crossover between security and privacy and on the issues arising in complex application areas such as healthcare. The doctoral consortium seeks to open new horizons for graduate students who may pursue privacy and security research in healthcare and other pervasive assistive environments. Another objective is to create an international forum that can expose graduate students to the differences in privacy policies around the world, especially regarding health privacy and security.
Performance Period: 10/01/2009 - 09/30/2010
Institution: University of Texas at Arlington
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 0926165