2012 Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems (PerMIS'12) Workshop

Date: Mar 20, 2012 3:00 am – Mar 22, 2012 1:00 pm
Location: Marriott Inn & Conference Center, University of Maryland University College



2012 Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems (PerMIS’12) Workshop

March 20th-22nd, 2012 at

the Marriott Inn & Conference Center, University of Maryland University College


- Abstract submission deadline for student travel award applications: March 5th, 2012
- Notification of student travel award recipients: March 9th, 2012
- Registration: Now Open (please see http://www.cvent.com/d/gcq9l6 )


We solicit submissions of posters from undergraduate and graduate students working on research related to the themes relevant to PerMIS'12 (http://www.nist.gov/el/isd/permis2012.cfm).   With financial support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), travel, hotel, and registration fees for all student poster presenters will be partially to fully covered.  We strongly encourage student contributors from Universities to apply for this funding. Please note that the amount of support will depend on the number of selected applicants.

The 2012 Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems (PerMIS’12) Workshop will be the eleventh in a series of workshops dedicated to defining measures and methodologies of evaluating performance of intelligent systems. Started in 2000, the PerMIS series focuses on
applications of performance measures to applied problems in commercial, industrial, homeland security, and military applications.

PerMIS’12 will focus on the methodologies and techniques of performance measurement for developing and engineering the next generation of cyber physical systems that facilitate  seamless human-machine collaboration. In the context of the Workshop, Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are taken to mean the “tight conjoining of and coordination between computational and physical resources” [NSF CPS Program Definition].


Submissions for the poster session must be made in the PDF format.  Abstracts are limited to one (1) letter size paper in single column format. Abstracts should be sent to Raj Madhavan (raj.madhavan@nist.gov) and M. Ani Hsieh (mhsieh1@drexel.edu) by March 5th. All contributions will be refereed.


- Defining, Measuring, and Engineering Capabilities of CPS:
 * Human-System Interaction, Collaboration and Coordination
 * Interoperability, Safety, Security, and Connectivity
 * Responsiveness, Reliability, Trustworthiness, Interchangeability, Durability
 * Portability, Mobility, and Scalability of Autonomous Systems
 * Levels of Autonomy
 * Predictable and cost-effective measurement science frameworks

- Evaluating Components within Intelligent Systems:
 * Sensing and Perception
 * Knowledge Representation, World Models, Ontologies
 * Planning and Control
 * Learning, Adapting and Reasoning

- Underlying Infrastructural Support for Performance Assessment:
 * Testing and Evaluation (including testbeds and competitions for inter-comparisons)
 * Instrumentation and Other Measurement Tools
 * Simulation and Modeling

- Technology Readiness Measures for Intelligent Systems

- Benchmarks and Applied Performance Measures and Metrics in Various Domains:
 * Manufacturing, Logistics, and Industrial Systems
 * Service: Domestic, Mining, Agriculture, …
 * Intelligent Transportation Systems
 * Defense and Security
 * Emergency Response Robots (e.g. search and rescue, bomb disposal)
 * Intelligent Systems and Robots for Hazardous Environments (e.g. nuclear remediation)
 * Smart Grid
 * Space Robotics
 * Medical & Healthcare Systems and Devices
  • Workshop
  • Foundations
Submitted by M. Ani Hsieh on