Student Competitions in CPS

Jonathan Sprinkle is an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Arizona. In 2013 he received the NSF CAREER award, and in 2009, he received the UA's Ed and Joan Biggers Faculty Support Grant for work in autonomous systems. Until June 2007, he was the Executive Director of the Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems at the University of California, Berkeley. His research is in the area of intelligent autonomous systems, including UAVs, UGVs, and hybrid systems. Building blocks for this are in domain-specific modeling, meta-modeling, and generative programming. Dr. Sprinkle was the co-Team Leader of the Sydney- Berkeley Driving Team, a collaborative entry into the DARPA Urban Challenge with partners Sydney University, University of Technology, Sydney, and National ICT Australia (NICTA). In 2004, he led a team from UC Berkeley, which autonomously flew against an Air Force pilot in autonomous pursuit/evasion games in the Mojave Desert at Edwards Air Force Base (the UAV successfully targeted the human pilot). In his teaching career spanning Arizona, Berkeley, and Vanderbilt, he has taught or largely assisted in the graduate courses on hybrid systems, unmanned systems, and model-integrated computing. Dr. Sprinkle graduated with the Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University in August 2003, and with his M.S. in August 2000. He graduated with his B.S.E.E. in cursu honorum, cum laude, from Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville, TN, in May 1999, where he was the first graduate of the Computer Engineering program, and the first Electrical Engineering double major. In 2005, Dr. Sprinkle was selected as one of 108 Regional Finalists for 11-19 highly competitive positions of White House Fellow. In 2002-2003, he was named a Master Teaching Fellow by the Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching, and in July 2002 he participated in the 52nd Meeting of the Nobel Laureates. As an undergraduate, in 1998-99, he served as the President of the Student Government Association and in 1997-98 was honored as Campus Leader of the Year and Legislator of the Year by the SGA of Tennessee Tech University.

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