Underwater Power Distribution System for Continuous Operation


Abstract: Success of numerous autonomous and unmanned missions in space, air, ground, and water is measured by the ability of the robots to usefully operate for extended time in highly dynamic and potentially hazardous environments. Persistent operation in unstructured environments hinges on active resource utilization, an example of which is collective power management. Collective power management is a multifaceted problem that requires addressing both science and technology challenges to effectively respond to energy needs in the presence of dynamic conditions and substantial environmental uncertainty. This talk will describe recent progress towards achieving persistent undersea autonomy. The approach includes task and energy routing scheduling, efficient path planning and coordination, and low-infrastructure platforms. The goal is to provide practical solutions by lowering deployment and operating costs, while also increasing efficiency, endurance, and persistence during complex missions like disaster responses and long-term science discoveries.

Nina Mahmoudian is an assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering at Michigan Tech. She is the founding director of the Nonlinear and Autonomous Systems Laboratory (NAS Lab). Dr. Mahmoudian received her Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from Virginia Tech in 2009. Her research interests lie in the area of cyber-physical systems, autonomous systems, dynamics and controls. Dr. Mahmoudian is a recipient of the 2015 NSF- CAREER and 2015 ONR-YIP awards.

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