Formal Approaches to Security-Turing wins the game?


Abstract:  For this breakout session we will discuss the long-term goal of defensive deterrence (in the Federal Cybersecurity R&D Strategic Plan), focusing on the following challenges:

  • Developing and applying scalable formal methods
  • Proving lower bounds on the strength of the weakest link
  • Extracting information from incomplete searches for counterexamples
  • Entangling various mechanisms to create unassailable security
  • Working through unknowability, undecidability, intractability

After a 15 minute framing and 15 minute Q&A session with OSTP Assistant Directory for Cybersecurity Strategy, Greg Shannon, attendees will break into small groups (6-8 people) for an hour to consider challenge statements, competitions, and benchmarks that address the long-term goal of defensive deterrence.  All small groups, even those not in the session are encouraged to submitted a 1-page PDF write up of their challenge on the website.  Hard copy packets of these 1-pagers will be handed out to attendees before the Wednesday morning panel.


License: CC-2.5
Submitted by Greg Shannon on