ProbProgSchool 2017

Date: May 29, 2017 9:30 am – Jun 04, 2017 10:30 am
Location: Vila verde, Braga, Portugal

1st School on Foundations of Programming and Software systems.
Probabilistic programming.

Probabilistic programming languages are used for modelling and analysis purposes across multiple areas of computer science, including machine learning, security, and quantitative biology. In particular, they provide a rigorous foundation for machine learning where they are used to describe probabilistic models and to perform inference in presence of uncertain information. Probabilistic programs are also used in cryptography and in privacy for modelling and quantifying security. The goal of the school is to introduce attendants to theoretical and practical aspects of programming languages, and will propose courses that cover the following topics: semantics, analysis, verification, applications to machine learning, privacy, and security.

The organisers: Luís Barbosa, Gilles Barthe, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Renato Neves, and Alexandra Silva.
Enquiries: probprog2017 (at) gmail (dot) com.


Andy Gordon Empowering Spreadsheet Users with Probabilistic Programming
Catuscia Palamidessi Foundations of Privacy and Quantitative information Flow
Christel Baier Equivalences and Temporal Logics for Probabilistic Models
Frank Wood Inference Compilation and Universal Probabilistic Programming
Hongseok Yang Semantics of Higher-Order Probabilistic Programs with Continuous Distributions
Javier Esparza Verification of probabilistic infinite-state systems
Peter Selinger Quantum Programming
Prakash Panangaden Equational reasoning about probabilistic programs
Sriram Sankaranarayanan Concentration of Measure Inequalities and Quantitative Analysis of Probabilistic Programs
Vitaly Shmatikov Machine Learning Meets Privacy
Dexter Kozen TBD
Michael Carbin TBD


In order to register, one may send an email to probprog2017 (at) gmail (dot) com informing of his or
her intention to attend the school.

Registration fee
340€ (Early registration); 380€ (Late registration).
These fees include all meals and accommodation for the seven nights.

Payment methods
The registrant may pay via bank transfer to the account IBAN PT50 0035 0823 00008830700 58.
It is also possible to pay with cash on-site. If the first case applies we ask the registrant to send us
a copy of the bank transfer receipt (probprog2017 (at) gmail (dot) com).

We have a few scholarships for the registration fee. In order to apply please send us, no later than
the 15th of April, a motivation letter (about half A4 page) explaining why you are interested in the
summer school and your financial need of a scholarship.

  • Summer School
  • 2017
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