HSST 2017
Date: Jun 12, 2017 12:00 am – Jun 15, 2017 11:30 am
Location: Halmstad University, Sweden
The 7th Halmstad Summer School on Testing
(Organised in cooperation with the TOCSYC Network)
Software testing accounts for a major part of software development cost and effort,
yet the current practice of software testing is often insufficiently structured and disciplined.
There have been various attempts in the past decades to bring more rigour and structure into this field,
resulting in several industrial-strength processes, techniques and tools for different levels of testing.
The 7th Halmstad Summer School on Testing provides an overview of the state of the art in testing,
including theory, industrial cases, tools and hands-on tutorials by internationally-renowned researchers.
- Georgios Fainekos (Arizona State University, USA), Specification guided testing and verification for Cyber-Physical Systems.
- Marie-Claude Gaudel (Université de Paris-Sud, France), Testing from Formal Specifications: A Unifying Framework.
- Alex Groce (Northern Arizona University, USA), TSTL: a Little (Integrated) Language for Testing.
- Justyna Petke (University College London, UK), Combinatorial Interaction Testing.
- Franz Wotawa (Graz University of Technology, Austria), Automated debugging – the past, the now, and the future.
- Andreas Zeller (Saarland University, Germany), Fuzzing with Inferred Grammars.
The extended registration deadline is May 1, 2017.
To apply to the summer school, please fill in the form at: http://bit.ly/HSST_2017 .
If you have any dietary requirements, or would like to attend only certain days of the summer school, please indicate in the form .
The registration fee is 3100 SEK (approx. 325 EUR) and covers lunches, coffee breaks, and the study material, but it does not include the social event and the social dinner.
A ticket to the social event and the social dinner costs 550 SEK and can be requested upon registration.
Ph.D. Symposium
The deadline for Ph.D. abstract submission is May 15, 2017.
We have 8 time slots for Ph.D. presentations, where each student gets
to present her/his research project (and possibly results) and receive feedback from our experts.
We solicit abstracts of 2 pages, solely authored by a Ph.D. student, in the EasyChair Style in order to make a selection (see:http://www.easychair.org/publications/for_authors ).
The abstract should contain a clear overview of the problem description, approach, (existing results, if any,) and future milestone.
Abstract submissions can already be made via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hsst2017 .
The summer school will be held on the campus of Halmstad University in Halmstad, Sweden.
Halmstad is a popular summer destination located on the Swedish west coast.
Just a few minutes by bicycle or bus takes you from campus to city centre, sandy beaches or forested Galgberget Hill.
Trains take you directly to Göteborg in about an hour, to the Malmö-Copenhagen area in about 2 hours and to Stockholm in 4.5 hours.
There are also daily flights from Halmstad Airport to Stockholm Bromma Airport.
If you are flying in internationally it is generally easiest to fly into Copenhagen (CPH) airport (also known as Kastrup).
The best thing about flying into CPH is that you just buy a train ticket when you arrive at the airport and simply take a train from the airport directly toHalmstad.
More travel information can be found at the school page:
- Stella Erlandsson (Local Organization, stella.erlandsson@hh.se)
- Veronica Gaspes (Organization Chair, veronica.gaspes@hh.se)
- Mohammad Mousavi (Program Co-Chair, m.r.mousavi@hh.se)
- Richard Torkar (Program Co-Chair, richard.torkar@cse.gu.se)
The abstracts of the tutorials can be found at:
For more information, contact one of the organizers.
Submitted by Anonymous
The 7th Halmstad Summer School on Testing
(Organised in cooperation with the TOCSYC Network)
Software testing accounts for a major part of software development cost and effort,
yet the current practice of software testing is often insufficiently structured and disciplined.
There have been various attempts in the past decades to bring more rigour and structure into this field,
resulting in several industrial-strength processes, techniques and tools for different levels of testing.
The 7th Halmstad Summer School on Testing provides an overview of the state of the art in testing,
including theory, industrial cases, tools and hands-on tutorials by internationally-renowned researchers.
- Georgios Fainekos (Arizona State University, USA), Specification guided testing and verification for Cyber-Physical Systems.
- Marie-Claude Gaudel (Université de Paris-Sud, France), Testing from Formal Specifications: A Unifying Framework.
- Alex Groce (Northern Arizona University, USA), TSTL: a Little (Integrated) Language for Testing.
- Justyna Petke (University College London, UK), Combinatorial Interaction Testing.
- Franz Wotawa (Graz University of Technology, Austria), Automated debugging – the past, the now, and the future.
- Andreas Zeller (Saarland University, Germany), Fuzzing with Inferred Grammars.
The extended registration deadline is May 1, 2017.
To apply to the summer school, please fill in the form at: http://bit.ly/HSST_2017 .
If you have any dietary requirements, or would like to attend only certain days of the summer school, please indicate in the form .
The registration fee is 3100 SEK (approx. 325 EUR) and covers lunches, coffee breaks, and the study material, but it does not include the social event and the social dinner.
A ticket to the social event and the social dinner costs 550 SEK and can be requested upon registration.
Ph.D. Symposium
The deadline for Ph.D. abstract submission is May 15, 2017.
We have 8 time slots for Ph.D. presentations, where each student gets
to present her/his research project (and possibly results) and receive feedback from our experts.
We solicit abstracts of 2 pages, solely authored by a Ph.D. student, in the EasyChair Style in order to make a selection (see:http://www.easychair.org/publications/for_authors ).
The abstract should contain a clear overview of the problem description, approach, (existing results, if any,) and future milestone.
Abstract submissions can already be made via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hsst2017 .
The summer school will be held on the campus of Halmstad University in Halmstad, Sweden.
Halmstad is a popular summer destination located on the Swedish west coast.
Just a few minutes by bicycle or bus takes you from campus to city centre, sandy beaches or forested Galgberget Hill.
Trains take you directly to Göteborg in about an hour, to the Malmö-Copenhagen area in about 2 hours and to Stockholm in 4.5 hours.
There are also daily flights from Halmstad Airport to Stockholm Bromma Airport.
If you are flying in internationally it is generally easiest to fly into Copenhagen (CPH) airport (also known as Kastrup).
The best thing about flying into CPH is that you just buy a train ticket when you arrive at the airport and simply take a train from the airport directly toHalmstad.
More travel information can be found at the school page:
- Stella Erlandsson (Local Organization, stella.erlandsson@hh.se)
- Veronica Gaspes (Organization Chair, veronica.gaspes@hh.se)
- Mohammad Mousavi (Program Co-Chair, m.r.mousavi@hh.se)
- Richard Torkar (Program Co-Chair, richard.torkar@cse.gu.se)
The abstracts of the tutorials can be found at:
For more information, contact one of the organizers.