SOCNE 2017

Date: Oct 28, 2017 6:00 pm – Nov 01, 2017 5:30 am
Location: Beijing, China

11th International Workshop on Service-Oriented Cyber-Physical Systems in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE)

to be held in conjunction with IECON 2017

Beijing, China, October 29 - November 1, 2017



Submissions are possible as full paper (see here).

Aim and topics

Smart and reliable service interoperability and composition across heterogeneous platforms and networking environments build the foundation for added-value services. Their key requirement is seamless, well-defined, and potentially cross-sectorial interoperability among stakeholders on application-, service-, and device level. Interoperability has become a competitive factor for many industrial branches such as automotive, aerospace, energy, healthcare, or factory and building automation. At the same time, it serves as an enabler for cross-domain business, e.g. electro mobility, smart grid, or even cooperative engineering.

This workshop encourages communication and exchange of ideas between industrial and academic researchers and developers in the field of preferably embedded middleware, service-oriented architectures, and heterogeneous networked environments. It follows the whole path from engineering over implementation to testing and leverages the discussion about industrial practices and future trends.

From this perspective, the workshop is focused on (but not restricted to) the following subjects:

Architectures and Design Principals

Platforms, frameworks and tool support
Configuration & management
Creation, deployment, life cycle management
Semantic web services & ontology
Decentralized/peer-to-peer architectures for device/application networking

Service platforms for CPS

Service platforms for cyber-physical systems
Service platforms for smart-* (e.g. smart grid, smart home, smart building, smart cities, smart mobility,…)
Service platforms for ambient assisted living, medical, clinics and healthcare
Service platforms for process, factory, and industrial applications, Industry 4.0
Enterprise architecture integration and product lifecycle management

Performance evaluation

Towards Real-time SOAs and Real-time networked applications
Latency optimization and scalability
IoT stack and cross layer optimization

Networked embedded systems, CPS, IoT & SOA

Fog computing
SOA in CPS, IoT, and Industrial IoT
Technologies for interworking smart objects
Embedded web services
Software defined networks (SDN) and time-sensitive networks
SOA for/on/in devices and embedded systems
Device centric SOAs and RESTful environments
Web services and middleware for networked embedded systems
Resource constrained and low power lossy networks
Ecosystems for sensors, sensor networks, and clouds

Security & Safety

System security design and validation
Security testing
Functional safety, dependability and reliability aspects
Lightweight security suites for the IoT
Maintenance and update
Compositional certification

For further information please mailto  socnepc (at)

  • Workshop
  • 2017
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