Title: Urban Sensing and Analytics for Smart Cities
Instructors: Abhishek Dubey, Mary Metelko & Geoff Pettet
Duration: Half Day
Abstract: The hypothesis of the smart cities concept is that large communities are socio-economic, cyber-physical systems (CPS) where physical and human sensors provide information about system status, individual and community inputs define individual needs and preferences, and actuators, in the form of information and tailored incentives, provide opportunities to inform and guide individual choices. During this course module the students will be introduced to ongoing smart cities work in Nashville in the transporation domain, which includes the public transit system and pedestrian safety systems. First, during the morning the students will be introduced to the available sensor modalities and the analytics that can be performed once we collect data. Then, they will work with the instructors to build a crowd density tracker using raspberry pi. Finally, they will participate in demonstration sessions which will allow them to interact with the transit-hub decision support system (https://youtu.be/T5HBZODAigs) and a virtual reality system.
9:00-9:10 – Introductions
9:10-9:30 – Introduction to the smart cities
9:30-9.45 – Explanation of the crowd density and pedestrian flow tracking problem.
9.45-10:45- Hands on experience with the crowd density and pedestrian flow tracker. Crowd density is defined by the amount of people per unit of area within a certain time interval. Pedestrian flow is defined as the number of people moving one way through an area of interest within a certain time interval.
10.45-11:00 – Question & answer sessions (restroom break)
11:00-12:00 – Demonstrations. Virtual Reality Systems and Transit Hub System. The students will be divided into 3 groups. The groups will rotate at 20 minute intervals between three places: the virtual reality setup in the lab, the transit-hub application demo and the question answer session about what they have learned.
Requirements: Keyboard, Raspberry pis, Mouse and Monitors with HDMI input (5 sets).
Reference Material:
- Introduction to the Smart Cities
- Explanation of the crowd density and pedestrian flow tracking problem
- http://thub.isis.vanderbilt.edu/
- https://youtu.be/M4QNJaM6nmI
- Introduction to the Smart Cities Presentation Video