Title: Controlling Groups of Mobile Robots with StarL Android Apps
Duration: Half Day
Abstract: In this demo and tutorial, students will learn how to control groups of mobile robots such as quadcopters using the StarL distributed algorithms middleware, which uses Android devices to coordinate and control drones. Students will see live demos of distributed motion coordination with quadcopters such as the DJI Phantom 4. After a brief tutorial introduction to StarL, as well as a discussion about potential applications of drones for social good, students will work hands-on in teams to develop their own StarL app using AppInventor and/or Java to get the quadcopters to do something interesting and/or fun. Students will create and receive digital photos and/or videos captured from the drones during the demos and their own apps as a souvenir.
Requirements: Laptop computer
Reference Materials
- Presentation Slides
- Python 101 - ( also at https://goo.gl/JjNpGZ )
- Source Code
- Roomba Documentation
( also at http://irobot.lv/uploaded_files/File/iRobot_Roomba_500_Open_Interface_Spec.pdf )
List of people associated with this track who may have contact with the underage students:
Taylor Johnson
Tim Liang, timothy.liang@vanderbilt.edu
Ayana Wild, ayanaw94@gmail.com
Nate Hamilton, Nathaniel_Hamilton@outlook.com
Patrick Musau, patrick.musau17@gmail.com
Yang, Xiaodong, xiaodong.yang@vanderbilt.edu
Christine Yang, christina.s.wang@vanderbilt.edu
Anissa Alexander, anissa.d.alexander@vanderbilt.edu
Yinghui Yang, yinghui.yang@vanderbilt.edu
Austin Wilms, austin.d.wilms@vanderbilt.edu
Daniel Hong, danielhong3@gmail.com
Stirling Carter, stirling.h.carter@vanderbilt.edu