Introduction to Transactive Energy

Introduction to Transactive Energy
Prepared by David J. Hess and Magdalena Sudibjo, Sociology Department and VIEEE, Vanderbilt University

SlidesLecture Video
Abstract: The lecture provides a brief introduction to the electricity system and restructuring in the U.S., including wholesale and retail competition, load balancing authorities, and electricity load management.  The transition of the electricity system is described, with an explanation of the change from the twentieth-century model of a centralized, one-way transmission of power based on stable baseload generation to the twenty-first century model of two-way transmission with distributed energy resources.  Various types of transactive energy are reviewed, then a more detailed discussion is provided of two types where there is a substantial consumer interface: distributed energy resources and microgrids, and smart meters. A summary of some of Hess’s research on public rejection of smart meters is given as an example of how a backlash can emerge when public perceptions and ELSI issues are ignored.


  1. Assigned Readings (download)
  2. Transactive Energy
    1. General background studies and social science
    2. Law and policy studies
    3. Sample policy documents
    4. Technology References


I. Assigned Readings

II. Transactive Energy

A. General Background Studies and Social Science

B. Law and Policy Papers

C. Sample Policy Documents

  • California Public Utilities Commission (2011) Decision adopting rules to protect the privacy and security of the electricity usage data of the customers of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Southern California Edison Company, and San Diego Gas & Electric Company. July 29. Available at:
  • ETPS. Strategic deployment document for Europe's electricity networks of the future. European Technology Platform Smartgrids Brussels, 05 2010, [online] Available:
  • IEC. IEC smart grid standardization roadmap. International Electrotechnical Commission, 10 2010, [online] Available:
  • National Institute of Standards.  This is an overview of US approaches to the issue.
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2010. Guidelines for smart grid cyber security: vol. 2, privacy and the smart grid [online]. Available from:
  • Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner, 2012. Building privacy into Ontario’s smart meter data management system: a control framework [online]. Available from:
  • Technology Roadmap: Smart Grids. International Energy Agency, 2011, [online] Available:
  • Trans-Atlantic Consumer Dialogue, 2011. Resolution on privacy and security related to smart meters [online]. Doc. No. INFOSOC 44–11. Available from:

D. Technology References