Date: Aug 17, 2014 10:00 am – Aug 21, 2014 7:00 pm
Location: Santa Barbara, California

CRYPTO 2014 was the 34rd International Cryptology Conference. It was held held at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) from August 17 - 21, 2014. 

A copy of the conference program agenda can be found here:
A copy of the conference CfP can be found here:

Program Committee
Yevgeniy Dodis   NYU, USA
Orr Dunkelman   U. of Haifa, Israel
Serge Fehr   CWI, The Netherlands
Pierre-Alain Fouque   U. Rennes 1, France
Craig Gentry   IBM Research, USA
Vipul Goyal   MSR, India
Nadia Heninger   U. of Pennsylvania, USA
Thomas Holenstein   ETH, Switzerland
Yuval Ishai   Technion, Israel
Dimitar Jetchev   EPFL, Switzerland
Aggelos Kiayias   U. of Athens, Greece
Kaoru Kurosawa   Ibaraki U., Japan
Alexander May   U. Bochum, Germany
Ilya Mironov   MSR, USA
Payman Mohassel   U. of Calgary, Canada
Jörn Müller-Quade   KIT, Germany
Maria Naya-Plasencia   INRIA, France
Claudio Orlandi   Aarhus U., Denmark
Rafael Pass   Cornell U., USA
Chris Peikert   Georgia Tech, USA       
Krzysztof Pietrzak   IST Austria
Leo Reyzin   Boston U., USA
Ron Rivest   MIT, USA
Amit Sahai   UCLA, USA
Gil Segev   Hebrew U., Israel
Elaine Shi   U. of Maryland, USA        
Tom Shrimpton   Portland State U., USA
Alice Silverberg   UC Irvine, USA
Marc Stevens   CWI, The Netherlands
Katsuyuki Takashima   Mitsubishi Electric, Japan
Stefano Tessaro   UCSB, USA
Vinod Vaikuntanathan   MIT, USA
Gilles Van Assche   STM, Belgium
M. Venkitasubramaniam   U. of Rochester, USA               
Ivan Visconti   U. of Salerno, Italy
Bogdan Warinschi   U. of Bristol, UK             
Brent Waters   UT Austin, USA
Vassilis Zikas   UCLA, USA

Submitted by Emily Wehby on