CPS: Synergy: A Hybrid Detector Network for Nuclear and Radioactive Threat Detection
Lead PI:
Er-Wei Bai
The most compelling problem confronting detection of nuclear material in a large area is the level of manifest uncertainty. Furthermore, detection and localization problems involve nontrivial and nonlinear non-convex optimization often stuck at local minima. This project develops fundamentally new techniques by using cheap detectors for rough detection and localization, placing detectors to expunge local minima, achieving fast distributed localization with reduced communication overheads, simultaneously localizing multiple sources and optimally placing detectors and assisting in their autonomous self-organization. There is a growing recognition of the inadequacy of current capabilities with respect to nuclear material detection and localization in public events and areas. This project develops an integrated cyber-physical system for public protection against nuclear and radiological threats. Clearly the project addresses a national security issue. If successful, the contribution and results of the project likely open a new framework for detection or monitoring in a large area using a wireless detector network. One of the key aspects of this project is the inter-disciplinary training of our graduate and undergraduate students including female and minority students in the areas of signal processing, statistical methods, modeling and performance analysis. K-12 students are also targeted through the First competition and Project-Lead-The-Way that connects the College of Engineering at the University of Iowa to almost all high school students in Iowa. It is expected that the project will generate enthusiasm and interests in science, mathematics and engineering for high school students.
Performance Period: 10/01/2012 - 09/30/2017
Institution: University of Iowa
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1239509