ESWeek 2020 - Virtual
Date: Sep 20, 2020 6:00 am – Sep 25, 2020 5:00 pm
Location: Virtual
Embedded Systems Week 2020
Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK) is the premier event covering all aspects of hardware and software design for smart, intelligent and connected computing systems. By bringing together three leading conferences (CASES, CODES+ISSS, EMSOFT), a symposium (NOCS) and several workshops and tutorials, ESWEEK allows attendees to benefit from a wide range of topics covering the state of the art in embedded systems research and development.
One Registration, three Conferences!
Registered attendees can attend sessions in any of the ESWEEK conferences
(CASES, CODES+ISSS, EMSOFT). Please note that tutorials, NOC symposium, and
workshops may require separate registration.
CASES: International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems
CASES is a premier forum where researchers, developers and practitioners exchange information on the latest advances in compilers and architectures for high-performance, low-power embedded systems. The conference has a long tradition of showcasing leading edge research in embedded processor, memory, interconnect, storage architectures and related compiler techniques targeting performance, power, predictability, security, reliability issues for both traditional and emerging application domains. In addition, we invite innovative papers that address design, synthesis, and optimization challenges in heterogeneous and accelerator-rich architectures.
CASES Program Chairs:
- Partha Pande, Washington State University, US
- Umit Ogras, Arizona State University, US
CODES+ISSS: International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis
The International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis is the premier event in system-level design, modeling, analysis, and implementation of modern embedded and cyber-physical systems, from system-level specification and optimization down to system synthesis of multi-processor hardware/software implementations.
The conference is a forum bringing together academic research and industrial practice for all aspects related to system-level and hardware/software co-design. High-quality original papers will be accepted for oral presentation followed by interactive poster sessions.
CODES+ISSS Program Chairs:
- Roman Lysecky, University of Arizona, US
- Jason Xue, City University of Hong Kong, HK
EMSOFT: International Conference on Embedded Software
The ACM SIGBED International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT) brings together researchers and developers from academia, industry, and government to advance the science, engineering, and technology of embedded software development. Since 2001, EMSOFT has been the premier venue for cutting-edge research in the design and analysis of software that interacts with physical processes, with a long-standing tradition for results on cyber-physical systems, which compose computation, networking, and physical dynamics.
EMSOFT Program Chairs:
- Timothy Bourke, INRIA, Paris, FR
- Linh Thi Xuan Phan, University of Pennsylvania, US
ESWEEK 2020 General Chairs
- Tulika Mitra, National University of Singapore, SG
- Andreas Gerstlauer, University of Texas Austin, US
- Petru Eles, Linköping University, SE
ESWEEK Conference Program Chairs
- Partha Pande, Washington State University, US
- Umit Ogras, Arizona State University, US
- Roman Lysecky, University of Arizona, US
- Jason Xue, City University of Hong Kong, HK
- Timothy Bourke, Inria Paris, FR
- Linh Thi Xuan Phan, University of Pennsylvania, US
ESWEEK Organizational Committee
Virtual Conference Chair
- Aviral Shrivastava, Arizona State University, US
Finance Chair
- Andy Pimentel, University of Amsterdam, NL
Publication Chair
- Amit Singh, University of Essex, UK
Industry Liaison Committee Chairs
- Andreas Herkersdorf, TU Munich, DE
- Geguang Pu, East China Normal University, CN
Awards Chair
- Jürgen Teich, University Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE
Travel Grants Chair
- Selma Saidi, Hamburg University of Technology, DE
Workshop Chair
- Patricia Derler, National Instruments, US
Special Sessions Chair
- Paul Bogdan, University of Southern California, US
Tutorial Chair
- Siddharth Garg, New York University, US
Panel Chair
- Sri Parameswaran, University of New South Wales, AU
Industry Sessions Chairs
- Dirk Ziegenbein, Robert Bosch GmbH, DE
- Yu Wang, Tsinghua University, CN
Web Chair
- Hoeseok Yang, Ajou University, KR
Publicity Chair
- Lars Bauer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE
Social Media Chair
- Shubham Rai, Technical University of Dresden, DE
Submitted by Anonymous
Embedded Systems Week 2020
Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK) is the premier event covering all aspects of hardware and software design for smart, intelligent and connected computing systems. By bringing together three leading conferences (CASES, CODES+ISSS, EMSOFT), a symposium (NOCS) and several workshops and tutorials, ESWEEK allows attendees to benefit from a wide range of topics covering the state of the art in embedded systems research and development.
One Registration, three Conferences!
Registered attendees can attend sessions in any of the ESWEEK conferences
(CASES, CODES+ISSS, EMSOFT). Please note that tutorials, NOC symposium, and
workshops may require separate registration.
CASES: International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems
CASES is a premier forum where researchers, developers and practitioners exchange information on the latest advances in compilers and architectures for high-performance, low-power embedded systems. The conference has a long tradition of showcasing leading edge research in embedded processor, memory, interconnect, storage architectures and related compiler techniques targeting performance, power, predictability, security, reliability issues for both traditional and emerging application domains. In addition, we invite innovative papers that address design, synthesis, and optimization challenges in heterogeneous and accelerator-rich architectures.
CASES Program Chairs:
- Partha Pande, Washington State University, US
- Umit Ogras, Arizona State University, US
CODES+ISSS: International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis
The International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis is the premier event in system-level design, modeling, analysis, and implementation of modern embedded and cyber-physical systems, from system-level specification and optimization down to system synthesis of multi-processor hardware/software implementations.
The conference is a forum bringing together academic research and industrial practice for all aspects related to system-level and hardware/software co-design. High-quality original papers will be accepted for oral presentation followed by interactive poster sessions.
CODES+ISSS Program Chairs:
- Roman Lysecky, University of Arizona, US
- Jason Xue, City University of Hong Kong, HK
EMSOFT: International Conference on Embedded Software
The ACM SIGBED International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT) brings together researchers and developers from academia, industry, and government to advance the science, engineering, and technology of embedded software development. Since 2001, EMSOFT has been the premier venue for cutting-edge research in the design and analysis of software that interacts with physical processes, with a long-standing tradition for results on cyber-physical systems, which compose computation, networking, and physical dynamics.
EMSOFT Program Chairs:
- Timothy Bourke, INRIA, Paris, FR
- Linh Thi Xuan Phan, University of Pennsylvania, US
ESWEEK 2020 General Chairs
- Tulika Mitra, National University of Singapore, SG
- Andreas Gerstlauer, University of Texas Austin, US
- Petru Eles, Linköping University, SE
ESWEEK Conference Program Chairs
- Partha Pande, Washington State University, US
- Umit Ogras, Arizona State University, US
- Roman Lysecky, University of Arizona, US
- Jason Xue, City University of Hong Kong, HK
- Timothy Bourke, Inria Paris, FR
- Linh Thi Xuan Phan, University of Pennsylvania, US
ESWEEK Organizational Committee
Virtual Conference Chair
- Aviral Shrivastava, Arizona State University, US
Finance Chair
- Andy Pimentel, University of Amsterdam, NL
Publication Chair
- Amit Singh, University of Essex, UK
Industry Liaison Committee Chairs
- Andreas Herkersdorf, TU Munich, DE
- Geguang Pu, East China Normal University, CN
Awards Chair
- Jürgen Teich, University Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE
Travel Grants Chair
- Selma Saidi, Hamburg University of Technology, DE
Workshop Chair
- Patricia Derler, National Instruments, US
Special Sessions Chair
- Paul Bogdan, University of Southern California, US
Tutorial Chair
- Siddharth Garg, New York University, US
Panel Chair
- Sri Parameswaran, University of New South Wales, AU
Industry Sessions Chairs
- Dirk Ziegenbein, Robert Bosch GmbH, DE
- Yu Wang, Tsinghua University, CN
Web Chair
- Hoeseok Yang, Ajou University, KR
Publicity Chair
- Lars Bauer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE
Social Media Chair
- Shubham Rai, Technical University of Dresden, DE