Next Big Research Challenges in Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop
April 22-23, 2021
The National Science Foundation (NSF) initiated its Cyber-physical systems (CPS) program more than a decade ago. As a result, there have been many foundational solutions developed to address various research challenges in modeling, design and analysis of trustworthy, real-time and dependable cyber-physical platforms in different application domains. The proposed solutions in CPS technologies are transforming the way people interact with such engineered systems. While tremendous progress has been made in advancing CPS technologies, the demand for innovation across application domains is driving the need to accelerate research to keep pace.
Workshop Objectives: The workshop will provide a venue where experts from different CPS domains and program directors from NSF and other Government agencies will share their thoughts on the most important current challenges and directions. The main objective of the workshop is to identify the new and important areas, where CPS researchers might be better advised to focus on. More specifically, the attendees will be asked to present their vision on
- what research challenges in CPS have been addressed the best over the last decade,
- the most important challenges that the CPS community need to focus on now,
- the most common mistakes over the last decade of CPS research that we should avoid moving forward,
- the new solutions for the community (including academia, industry, and government agencies) for more effective technology transfers in coming years.
The discussions at the workshop will be summarized in a report that will be shared by the NSF with the CPS research community, as well as presented at the 2021 NSF CPS PI Meeting.