Date: Nov 04, 2013 2:15 am – Nov 06, 2013 10:15 pm
Location: Paris, France

25th International Conference on SOFTWARE & SYSTEMS ENGINEERING and their APPLICATIONS

Sponsored by AFIS (the French Association for Systems Engineering) and INCOSE, co-organized by TELECOM ParisTech, CS Communication & Systems, and the Génie Logiciel quarterly, the 25th edition of the ICSSEA Conference (International Conference on Software & Systems Engineering and their Applications) will be held in Paris on November 4-6, 2013. By gathering actors from across the enterprise and research worlds, it aims at providing a critical survey of the status of tools, methods, and processes for elaborating software & systems.

Agusti Canals (CS)
Elie Najm (Telecom ParisTech)
Jean-Claude Rault (Génie Logiciel)

Maarten Boasson – Consultant (NL)
Maria-Laura Bargellini – ENEA (I)
Joseph K. DeRosa – Consultant (USA)
Vassilka Kirova – Alcatel-Lucent (USA)
Claude Y. Laporte – École de Technologie Supérieure (CDN)
Gérard Memmi – Telecom ParisTech (F)
Axel Rennoch – Fraunhofer FOKUS (D)


Alexandra Bagnato – Softeam (F)
Philippe Baufreton – Hispano Suiza (F)
Celestina Bianco – Systelab (E)
Maarten Boasson – Consultant (NL)
Jørgen Boegh – Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications (CN)
Agusti Canals – CS Communications & Systèmes (F)
Daniela Cancila – CEA (F)
Narajan Debnath – Winona University (USA)
Joseph K. DeRosa – The MITRE Corp (USA)
Tharam Dillon – Curtin University (AUS)
Juan V. Garbajosa – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (E)
Cecilia Haskins – NTNU (N)
Hans –Ludwig Hausen –Fraunhofer (D)
Jérôme Hugues – ISAE ( F)
Slinger Jansen – Utrecht University (NL)
Vassilka Kirova – Alcatel-Lucent (USA)
Phillip A. Laplante – Penn State University (USA)
Claude Y. Laporte – École de technologie supérieure (CDN)
Dominique Luzeaux – DGA (F)
Gerrit Müller – Buskerud University College (N)
Élie Najm – Telecom Paristech (F)
Asmus Pandikow – Syntell (S)
Marsha Pomeroy-Huff – SEI (USA)
Jean-Claude Rault – Génie Logiciel (F)
Axel Rennoch – Fraunhofer Fokus (D)
Thomas Robert -Telecom Paristech (F)
Éric Rutten – INRIA (F)
Marjan Sirjani – Reykjavik University (IS)
Nicolas Trèves – CNAM ( F)
Others to be confirmed…

  • CPS Technologies
  • Embedded Software
  • Systems Engineering
  • Conference
  • 2013
  • Announcement
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