HPCA 2024

Date: Mar 02, 2024 1:00 am – Mar 06, 2024 11:00 am
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland

 International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)

The 30th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA) will be held in Edinburgh, United Kingdom in 2024. HPCA is a high-impact venue for presenting research results on a wide range of computer architecture topics.


  • Some topics of interest are listed below, but we encourage authors to contact the PC chair if they have a question regarding the topic fit.
  • Processor, memory, and storage systems architecture
  • Instruction-, thread-, and data-level parallelism
  • Interconnection network and network interface architecture
  • Domain-Specific architectures
  • Accelerators, FPGA, CGRA, and reconfigurable systems
  • Near/In-Memory computing
  • Cloud, datacenter, cluster/distributed systems and applications
  • Approximate computing
  • Compilers/PL for novel architectures
  • IoT, mobile, Edge, and embedded architecture
  • Effects of circuits or technology on architecture (3D/chiplets/interposer/wafer-scale)
  • Architecture modeling and simulation methodologies
  • Neuromorphic computing
  • Quantum/ Superconducting computing
  • Reliability/Fault Tolerance
  • Security/Privacy
  • Evaluation and measurement of real computing systems

Industry Track

HPCA 2024 features a separate Industry Track with a separate call for papers. The goal of the HPCA Industry Track is to publish papers that are written by industry authors and their content relates to industrial products/processes.

  • 2024
  • Symposium
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