The research goal of this project is to design a comprehensive methodology for cybersecurity monitoring and mitigation of the electric power distribution system with a multitude of dynamical devices that are prone to cyberattacks as well as power electronically interfaced renewable generation units. The power electronics interfaces complicate the control and operation of the distribution system because of their sensitivity to undesired disturbances. By promoting a more secure power system, this work helps increase the resiliency of the distribution system to extreme events, which is in line with the U.S. national priorities. Moreover, this work promotes teaching and learning by (i) educating and training graduate students through several programs including a week-long practicum hosted at an industry site; (ii) disseminating the results of our work via conference presentations and publications; and (iii) introducing significant updates in the syllabi of two courses. This work also increases participation of underrepresented minorities via active recruitment.
The overarching research goal of this project is to design a comprehensive methodology for cybersecurity monitoring and mitigation in systems with a multitude of dynamical devices that are prone to cyberattacks. To demonstrate the performance of our proposed algorithms, we study their application for an electric power distribution system as a critical cyberinfrastructure, which includes substations, feeder devices, and smart meters. The electric power grid's growing dependency on information and communication technology (ICT) significantly increases its vulnerability to cyber attacks. A major area of concern is the security of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems that the power grids rely upon for monitoring and control functions. To address these challenges, our specific objectives are (i) detection of cyberthreats on the distribution system, (ii) mitigation of and response to cyberintrusions especially with power electronically interfaced renewables via multiagent-based algorithms as well as trajectory shaping and frequency regulation strategies, and (iii) preparing the next generation of cyber-aware engineers.