The interactions of light with objects in a scene are often complex. An image --- which only captures 2D spatial variations --- is poorly equipped to unravel these interactions and infer properties of a scene including its shape, reflectance, and its composition. This is especially true for scenes that have sharp reflections, refractions, and volumetric scattering. This research models interactions of light with scenes using light rays and their transformations. The central hypothesis underlying the research is the idea that problems of shape, reflectance and material composition estimation are often simpler and well-posed when they are studied using light rays and their transformations. A wide-range of real-world objects and scenes stand to benefit from progress made in this research; this includes scenes with complex configurations that lead to inter-reflections, objects with shine, specularities, and spatially-varying reflectances, as well as objects that are transparent, or translucent. A diverse set of applications including machine vision, microscopy, and consumer photography stand to benefit from this research. The education and outreach components of this project disseminates image processing research in the broader Pittsburgh area via camera building workshops and lab demos for middle/high-school students, and professional development courses for physics teachers.
The focus of the research is to develop novel acquisition and processing methods for scene understanding by studying characterizations of light that go beyond images. In particular, the research analyzes the properties of two signals: the plenoptic function, which captures spatial, temporal, angular, and spectral variations of light, and the plenoptic light transport, which captures how light propagates through a scene. The central hypothesis of the research is that the plenoptic function and light transport provide a rich encoding of how light interacts with a scene; hence, unlike image-based inference, plenoptic inference can be fundamentally well-conditioned even for scenes that interact with light in a complex manner. To this end, the research develops novel low-dimensional models for plenoptic functions that are based on physical laws governing interaction of light with a scene. The research also builds novel computational cameras that acquire light propagates in a scene by decomposing into light paths of varying complexity, and subsequently estimating the 3D shape, reflectance, and material composition.