Human-cyber-physical systems (h-CPS) are interactive engineered systems that collaborate or interact with one or more human beings to leverage the complementary strengths of both human and autonomy technologies. Medical devices, robot assistive systems, teleoperation, semi-autonomous systems, and other technology-assisted applications are all examples of h-CPS. Because human operations are deeply intertwined with cyber and physical processes in h-CPS, new technical challenges for h-CPS analysis and design emerge, particularly in modeling complex human behaviors, enabling effective human-machine interactions, and developing reliable and high-performance controllers. Furthermore, as envisioned in future h-CPS subject to a large amount of data of adequate quality and quantity available from rich sensing modalities, modeling, interaction, and control procedures are shifting from model-based to data-driven, and new challenges such as trustworthiness and learning efficiency of data-driven methods are expected to arise. This project targets the unique challenges of data-driven modeling and control of h-CPS by developing a holistic data-driven design framework, accounting for addressing today's major barriers to apply data-driven approaches for modeling, interaction, and control of h-CPS. Educational and outreach activities are well-integrated into the research and include CPS workforce training, interdisciplinary research and curriculum development, and K-12 STEM outreach activities. The designed activities are uniquely positioned to attract members of underrepresented groups with a focus to enhance the diversity of the federal, state, and local CPS workforce.