CPS Medium: Cooperative Driving in Heterogeneous Traffic of Manned and Unmanned Vehicles
Weihua Sheng
Lead PI:
Weihua Sheng

This Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) project will develop a theoretical framework that facilitates safe cooperative driving in heterogeneous traffic of human-operated and autonomously-operated vehicles and demonstrate its feasibility through both simulation and physical experiments. This project will help improve the safety of a transportation system currently being transformed by vehicles with growing autonomous features. By introducing an add-on device, or copilot, into legacy human-driven vehicles, this project will offer a smart driving assistant that is aware of the driver's behaviors and can alert the driver when the vehicle is at risk. When engaged in cooperative driving, the copilot will provide advice that reduces the chance of collision with nearby vehicles. By facilitating cooperative driving for both emerging autonomous vehicles and legacy human-driven vehicles, this project will foster a positive attitude of the public toward autonomous driving, therefore accelerating the adoption of autonomous vehicles into the transportation system. The education and outreach activities will raise more awareness of autonomous driving, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics to the younger generation, and stimulate prospective students to pursue degrees and careers in science and engineering.

Performance Period: 10/01/2022 - 09/30/2025
Institution: Oklahoma State University
Sponsor: NSF
Award Number: 2212582