CAREER: Designing Robust Cyber-Physical Systems: Logics, Automata, Optimization, and Heuristic Methods
Lead PI:
Vinayak Prabhu

The project's impact is the engineering of more reliable, safer, and better performing next generation Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) arising in domains involving automotive vehicles, medical devices, avionics, power grids, and autonomous agents. As these systems operate in environments that cannot always be perfectly anticipated/modeled, it is crucial that robustness be a prime objective right from the design phase. The project's novelty is the development of scalable and rigorous formal algorithmic approaches for facilitating such robust CPS engineering. These approaches advance classical discrete algorithmic techniques for use in quantitative environments in which CPS operates. The research aspect of the project is complemented with the creation of graduate and undergraduate courses teaching core logical and algorithmic analyses skills to scientists and engineers about to enter the workforce.

Performance Period: 04/15/2023 - 03/31/2028
Institution: Colorado State University
Sponsor: NSF
Award Number: 2240126