CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Srch3D: Efficient 3D Model Search via Online Manufacturing-specific Object Recognition and Automated Deep Learning-Based Design Classification
Lead PI:
Saman Zonouz

Rapid growth in additive manufacturing (AM) has improved the accessibility, customizability and affordability of making products using personal printers. Designs can be developed by consumers, if they have enough knowledge of mechanical design and 3D modeling, or they can be obtained from third parties. However, the process of translating a design to a program that can successfully executed by a 3D printer often requires specialized domain knowledge that many end-users currently lack. In the meantime, lots of objects, which may be very similar or identical to what the non-technical user aims to design and print, have been produced by experts in industry and, hence, millions of proven part designs already exist. This research aims to fill the above-mentioned gap by developing a theoretically sound and practically deployable, domain-specific online search engine, called Srch3D, for 3D models. Srch3D will provide the non-technical end-users with a user-friendly solution to efficiently search for their components in a large repository of existing proven part designs.

Saman Zonouz

Saman Zonouz is an Associate Professor at Georgia Tech in the Schools of Cybersecurity and Privacy (SCP) and Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). Saman directs the Cyber-Physical Security Laboratory (CPSec). His research focuses on security and privacy research problems in cyber-physical systems including attack detection and response capabilities using techniques from systems security, control theory and artificial intelligence. His research has been awarded by Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), the NSF CAREER Award in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Significant Research in Cyber Security by the National Security Agency (NSA), and Faculty Fellowship Award by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). His research group has disclosed several security vulnerabilities with published CVEs in widely-used industrial controllers such as Siemens, Allen Bradley, and Wago. Saman is currently a Co-PI on President Biden’s American Rescue Plan $65M Georgia AI Manufacturing (GA-AIM) project. Saman was invited to co-chair the NSF CPS PI Meeting as well as the NSF CPS Next Big Challenges Workshop. Saman has served as the chair and/or program committee member for several conferences (e.g., IEEE Security and Privacy, CCS, NDSS, DSN, and ICCPS). Saman obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Performance Period: 06/15/2022 - 08/31/2024
Institution: Georgia Tech Research Corporation
Sponsor: NSF
Award Number: 2240733