The I-24 Trajectory Dataset (of 2021)

This dataset was named by a subset of the authors as "The I-24 Trajectory Dataset" and is given a subsequent date in the title of this node to distinguish it from ongoing trajectory data gathered by I-24 Motion and other experiments.

The dataset was created by recording CAN and GPS data from a single vehicle driving on I-24. The dataset includes Time, Velocity, Acceleration, Space Gap, Lateral Distance, Relative Velocity, Longitude GPS, Latitude GPS, Score, TrackID, L_Approach, R_Approach, L_Adjacent, and R_Adjacent. The time feature was taken from recorded GPS data recorded at 10 Hz. Data features other than time are from the CAN data and were interpolated to match GPS time.

Authors: Nice, Matthew and Lichtle, Nathan and Gumm, Gracie and Roman, Michael and Vinitsky, Eugene and Elmadani, Safwan and Bunting, Matt and Bhadani, Rahul and Gunter, George and Kumar, Maya and McQuade, Sean and Denaro, Chris and Delorenzo, Ryan and Piccoli, Benedetto and Work, Dan and Bayen, Alex and Lee, Jonny and Sprinkle, Jonathan and Seibold, Benjamin

Acknowledgements: Contributors to the libpanda, strym, and can_to_ros software packages. This material is also based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) award number CID DE-EE0008872. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or the United States Government. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Numbers CNS-1837244 (A. Bayen), CNS-1837652 (D. Work), CNS-1837481 (B. Piccoli), CNS-1446715 (B. Piccoli), CNS-1446690 (B. Seibold), CNS-1446435 (J. Sprinkle), CNS-1446702 (D. Work). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.



License: CC-BY-4.0
Submitted by Jonathan Sprinkle on